Nine Days


Toni Jordan

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The Shilling Symbol Icon

The shilling is a minor symbol to represent love’s power to connect family, friends, and even strangers to one other. The shilling embodies this love connection by being passed between characters and playing a minor role in several of the narratives, forming a common thread that concretely connects them to each other. Mr. Husting takes the coin from Jack and gives it to Kip, who keeps it until he eventually passes it down Stanzi. Stanzi’s narrative reflects that, though she’d once imagined that love must strike like lightning, she now thinks it must be more like a simple shilling, passed around between people, carried for years and given away. She believes that like love, if one could trace the “trajectory” of the shilling, they would find connections to both friends and complete strangers—perhaps even on the other side of the world.

The Shilling Quotes in Nine Days

The Nine Days quotes below all refer to the symbol of The Shilling. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
Chapter 2: Stanzi Quotes

Maybe lightning isn’t the best analogy for love. Maybe love is more like a coin: moving between people all around us, all the time, linking people within families and on the other side of the world, across oceans.

Related Characters: Stanzi Westaway (speaker), Kip Westaway , Annabel Crouch
Related Symbols: The Shilling
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Shilling Symbol Timeline in Nine Days

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Shilling appears in Nine Days. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Kip
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
...even though he’s 14. Seeing how nice Charlie looks, Mr. Husting gives Kip a whole shilling, which seems like a huge sum of money to the boy, and he knows he’ll... (full context)
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
...Hustings however, he reaches his hand in his pocket and realizes that he’s left his shilling in his other shorts, and he doesn’t trust Francis not to steal it. He’d wanted... (full context)
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon the laundry trough in the yard. While he’s fishing around for his shorts and shilling, he pulls out a huge pair of women’s underwear, belonging to Mrs. Keith. They’re so... (full context)
Chapter 2: Stanzi
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
As Violet traipses around the room, she notices a shilling sitting on Stanzi’s otherwise bare desk. Stanzi remarks that it’s her father’s prized possession, it... (full context)
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Gender, Stigma, and Shame Theme Icon
...problems and self-centeredness sound legitimate. As Stanzi packs her things to leave, she realizes the shilling is missing. (full context)
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Stanzi calls Charlotte from her car to ask what year the shilling was. Charlotte is too wary of cell phone radiation to own her own phone, so... (full context)
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
...just buy another coin, and though Stanzi can’t see what’s wrong with it, especially since shillings are so common, Charlotte is deeply disappointed and demands that Stanzi go find the real... (full context)
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Stanzi goes to the address in Violet’s file to ask for the shilling. If she doesn’t find it, she’ll know her parents will figure out she lost it,... (full context)
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Gender, Stigma, and Shame Theme Icon
...the door, but is surprised to see Stanzi there. Stanzi tells Violet about the missing shilling and asks if it might’ve fallen into Violet’s purse, but Violet’s reaction tells her that... (full context)
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Gender, Stigma, and Shame Theme Icon the night in their kitchen, heartbroken. She returned to her office and found the shilling buried in the carpet—though kneeling down was quite difficult and painful for her. In Annabel’s... (full context)
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Gender, Stigma, and Shame Theme Icon
...does not even love herself enough to love anyone else at this point. Holding the shilling in her hand, Stanzi thinks that perhaps love is something like the coin, passed around... (full context)
Chapter 3: Jack
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
...with Mr. Husting. When his dad wanted to go to sleep, Jack pulled out a shilling and told Mr. Husting he’d flipped for it, but Mr. Husting snatched it out of... (full context)
Chapter 8: Alec
Unconventional Family Structure Theme Icon
First Impressions, Perspective, and Personal Growth Theme Icon
...pendant to give and two daughters—even though Stanzi took cash instead. He gives Stanzi the shilling, now threaded on a silver chain, making her well up with tears, and enough money... (full context)