

Toni Morrison

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Arnette Fleetwood Character Analysis

Arnette Fleetwood is a member of the Fleetwood family, one of Ruby’s nine founding families. She starts the story pregnant with K.D.’s baby after he has ended their relationship. Arnette, who is due to start college, does not know what to do about her pregnancy, so she goes to the Convent. The women there prepare to help her give birth, but Arnette secretly harms her own womb in an attempt to destroy the fetus, which results in a premature birth that kills the baby. Arnette does not comprehend this; later, after she and K.D. are married, Arnette returns to the Convent asking for her baby back. When the women turn her away, she attacks them and accuses them of killing her baby, which is one factor in the Ruby men’s decision to kill the Convent women.

Arnette Fleetwood Quotes in Paradise

The Paradise quotes below are all either spoken by Arnette Fleetwood or refer to Arnette Fleetwood. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Gender, Race, and Power Theme Icon
Grace Quotes

However disgusted both were, K.D. knew they would not negotiate a solution that would endanger him or the future of Morgan money. His grandfather had named his twins Deacon and Steward for a reason. And their family had not built two towns, fought white law, Colored Creek, bandits and bad weather, to see ranches and houses and a bank with mortgages on a feed store, a drugstore and a furniture store to end up in Arnold Fleetwood’s pocket. Since the loose bones of his cousins had been buried two years ago, K.D., their hope and their despair, was the last male in [the] line […]. His behavior, as always, required scrutiny and serious correction.

Related Characters: Patricia (Pat) Best/Billie Delia’s Mother, Deacon (Deek) Morgan/Connie’s Lover, Steward Morgan, Reverend Richard Misner, Coffee (K.D.) Smith, Arnette Fleetwood, Arnold Fleetwood
Page Number: 55
Explanation and Analysis:
Divine Quotes

[…] Pulliam had just sprayed [poison] over everything[.] Over the heads of men finding it so hard to fight their instincts to control what they could and crunch what they could not; in the hearts of women tirelessly taming the predator; in the faces of children not yet recovered from the blow to their esteem upon learning that adults would not regard them as humans until they mated; of the bride and groom frozen there, desperate for this public bonding to dilute their private shame. Misner knew that Pulliam’s words were a widening of the war he had declared on Misner’s activities: tempting the youth to step outside the wall, outside the town limits, shepherding them, forcing them to transgress, to think of themselves as civil warriors.

Related Characters: Reverend Richard Misner, Coffee (K.D.) Smith, Arnette Fleetwood, Reverend Senior Pulliam
Related Symbols: The Convent
Page Number: 145
Explanation and Analysis:

[Arnette] believed she loved [K.D] absolutely because he was all she knew about her self––which was to say, everything she knew of her body was connected to him. Except for Billie Delia, no one had told her there was any other way to think of herself. Not her mother; not her sister-in-law.

Related Characters: Coffee (K.D.) Smith, Billie Delia Cato, Sweetie Fleetwood, Arnette Fleetwood, Mable Fleetwood
Page Number: 148
Explanation and Analysis:
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Arnette Fleetwood Quotes in Paradise

The Paradise quotes below are all either spoken by Arnette Fleetwood or refer to Arnette Fleetwood. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Gender, Race, and Power Theme Icon
Grace Quotes

However disgusted both were, K.D. knew they would not negotiate a solution that would endanger him or the future of Morgan money. His grandfather had named his twins Deacon and Steward for a reason. And their family had not built two towns, fought white law, Colored Creek, bandits and bad weather, to see ranches and houses and a bank with mortgages on a feed store, a drugstore and a furniture store to end up in Arnold Fleetwood’s pocket. Since the loose bones of his cousins had been buried two years ago, K.D., their hope and their despair, was the last male in [the] line […]. His behavior, as always, required scrutiny and serious correction.

Related Characters: Patricia (Pat) Best/Billie Delia’s Mother, Deacon (Deek) Morgan/Connie’s Lover, Steward Morgan, Reverend Richard Misner, Coffee (K.D.) Smith, Arnette Fleetwood, Arnold Fleetwood
Page Number: 55
Explanation and Analysis:
Divine Quotes

[…] Pulliam had just sprayed [poison] over everything[.] Over the heads of men finding it so hard to fight their instincts to control what they could and crunch what they could not; in the hearts of women tirelessly taming the predator; in the faces of children not yet recovered from the blow to their esteem upon learning that adults would not regard them as humans until they mated; of the bride and groom frozen there, desperate for this public bonding to dilute their private shame. Misner knew that Pulliam’s words were a widening of the war he had declared on Misner’s activities: tempting the youth to step outside the wall, outside the town limits, shepherding them, forcing them to transgress, to think of themselves as civil warriors.

Related Characters: Reverend Richard Misner, Coffee (K.D.) Smith, Arnette Fleetwood, Reverend Senior Pulliam
Related Symbols: The Convent
Page Number: 145
Explanation and Analysis:

[Arnette] believed she loved [K.D] absolutely because he was all she knew about her self––which was to say, everything she knew of her body was connected to him. Except for Billie Delia, no one had told her there was any other way to think of herself. Not her mother; not her sister-in-law.

Related Characters: Coffee (K.D.) Smith, Billie Delia Cato, Sweetie Fleetwood, Arnette Fleetwood, Mable Fleetwood
Page Number: 148
Explanation and Analysis: