

Toni Morrison

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Nathan DuPres Character Analysis

Nathan DuPres is considered the oldest man in Ruby. He used to let the town’s children ride his horse, which led to a three-year-old Billie Delia taking off her underwear to mount the horse in an incident that forever ruined her reputation. He also delivers a speech before the annual Christmas play that serves as an allegory for the conflicts disrupting Ruby’s community.
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Nathan DuPres Character Timeline in Paradise

The timeline below shows where the character Nathan DuPres appears in Paradise. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Gender, Race, and Power Theme Icon
Motherhood and Intergenerational Trauma Theme Icon
Exclusion Theme Icon still too young to regularly wear underwear, Billie Delia rides on the back of Nathan DuPres ’s prize-winning horse. One day, she sees him riding toward her, so she takes off... (full context)
Community Theme Icon
Change vs. Tradition Theme Icon
Exclusion Theme Icon
Nathan DuPres , who is considered the oldest man in Ruby, gives a speech before the Christmas... (full context)