

Dante Alighieri

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The Empyrean is the highest sphere of Heaven, in which God, the angels, and the saints dwell. The Empyrean is the summit of Dante’s journey through the afterlife, and it’s in this light-filled space that he experiences a firsthand vision of God.

Empyrean Quotes in Paradiso

The Paradiso quotes below are all either spoken by Empyrean or refer to Empyrean. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Earthly and Heavenly Justice Theme Icon
Canto 33 Quotes

Grace, in all plenitude, you dared me set
my seeing eyes on that eternal light
so that all seeing there achieved its end.

Within in its depths, this light, I saw, contained,
bound up and gathered in a single book,
the leaves that scatter through the universe –

beings and accidents and modes of life,
as though blown all together in a way
that what I say is just a simple light.

Related Characters: Dante Alighieri (speaker)
Page Number: 480
Explanation and Analysis:

But mine were wings that could not rise to that,
save that, with this, my mind, was stricken through
by sudden lightning bringing what it wished.

All powers of high imagining here failed.
But now my will and my desire were turned,
as wheels that move in equilibrium,
by love that moves the sun and other stars.

Related Characters: Dante Alighieri (speaker)
Page Number: 482
Explanation and Analysis:
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Empyrean Term Timeline in Paradiso

The timeline below shows where the term Empyrean appears in Paradiso. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Canto 4
Creation and God’s Providence Theme Icon
Vision, Knowledge, and the Pursuit of God Theme Icon
Language and the Ineffable Theme Icon
...lead Dante astray from his faith. She explains that no soul resides anywhere besides the Empyrean (the highest sphere, where God himself dwells). However, these two souls have appeared in a... (full context)
Canto 30
Creation and God’s Providence Theme Icon
Vision, Knowledge, and the Pursuit of God Theme Icon
Language and the Ineffable Theme Icon
...spheres” behind and risen to “pure light of intellect, all love.” They are entering the Empyrean. Here Dante will see all the angels and saints. (full context)
Canto 31
Vision, Knowledge, and the Pursuit of God Theme Icon
...Dante’s query, the soul points out that Beatrice has reoccupied her usual throne in the Empyrean. Gazing on her, Dante prays a prayer of thanksgiving for Beatrice’s gracious guidance. (full context)
Canto 32
Creation and God’s Providence Theme Icon
Vision, Knowledge, and the Pursuit of God Theme Icon
St. Bernard gives Dante a guided tour of the thrones of the Empyrean, pointing out Eve, Beatrice, and several women from the Bible. The structure of the rose... (full context)