The Female Persuasion


Meg Wolitzer

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Female Persuasion makes teaching easy.

Zee Eisenstat Character Analysis

Zee Eisenstat is a lesbian feminist activist and is Greer’s first real friend in college. Zee introduces Greer to the world of feminist thought and the work of second-wave feminist icon, Faith Frank. When Zee brings Greer to one of Faith’s lectures, it is Greer—not Zee—who forms a connection with Faith and eventually secures a job at Faith’s feminist startup, Loci. Zee’s parents, both judges, slightly disapprove of their daughter’s sexuality and encourage her to pursue a normal and straightforward career as a paralegal. Headstrong, hopeful, and idealistic, Zee decides that she wants to work for Loci like Greer, so she brings Greer a letter to give to Faith. Ultimately, Greer selfishly withholds the letter and lies to Zee, claiming that Faith read Zee’s letter but can’t offer her a position in the small company. Following this disappointment, Zee moves to Chicago, where she joins Teach and Reach, an organization that places young teachers in underfunded schools within at-risk neighborhoods. The trauma and pain Zee witnesses during her time at Teach and Reach frustrate her, as she is unable to truly make a difference or relate to her students’ hardships. Zee comes to recognize that her identity as an activist has been more for her own satisfaction than the betterment of those around her. Zee eventually pursues a career in emergency response as a traumatologist, which allows her to directly communicate with and provide tangible, meaningful aid to those in need.

Zee Eisenstat Quotes in The Female Persuasion

The The Female Persuasion quotes below are all either spoken by Zee Eisenstat or refer to Zee Eisenstat. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Female Friendship and Mentorship Theme Icon
Chapter 1  Quotes

“She’s probably one of those women who hates women,” said Zee. “A total cunt.” Then she began to sing her own version of a song from a musical that her parents used to like: “Women… women who hate women… are the cuntiest women… in the world…”

Greer said, “That’s terrible! You shouldn’t say cunt.”

“Oh, come on,” Zee went on. “I can say what I want. That’s having agency.”

“You shouldn’t say agency,” said Greer. “That’s worse.”

Related Characters: Greer Kadetsky (speaker), Zee Eisenstat (speaker)
Page Number: 22
Explanation and Analysis:

Then, beside her, in the pew, Zee’s arm went up too. Of course she had a real question, a political one; she probably even had follow-ups. Faith nodded her head in their direction. At first it was unclear which of them she was calling on. But then she saw Faith seem to zero in on her, specifically her, Greer, and Greer looked quizzically at Zee, making sure she was reading this right. Zee gave her a quick, affirmative nod, as if to say: Yes. This is yours. Zee even smiled, wanting Greer to have it.

Related Characters: Greer Kadetsky (speaker), Zee Eisenstat (speaker), Faith Frank
Page Number: 34
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7 Quotes

“So you’re saying I should quit now?”

Noelle looked at her steadily. “No, of course I’m not saying that. You shouldn’t do that to these kids, not in the middle of the year. They crave stability. You stay, and you finish the year, and you do your best, and then you decide. Look, I’m sure you’re a fine person, and I’m sure you’re a person who is trying hard to… what do you say to yourself, ‘get involved’? I know that feeling: I have had it myself. But sometimes the way to get involved is to just live your life and be yourself with all your values intact. And by just being you, it’ll happen. Maybe not in big ways, but it’ll happen.”

Related Characters: Zee Eisenstat (speaker), Noelle (speaker)
Page Number: 256
Explanation and Analysis:

When they lay down upon the narrow mattress that Zee had purchased at a garage sale upon moving here […] she couldn’t help but think a little bit about power: who had it right now […] Power was hard to understand sometimes. You could not quantify it or calibrate it. You could barely see it, even when you were looking straight at it.

“That’s what everyone was talking about at the first Loci summit,” Greer had said recently on the phone when the subject came up. “The meaning and uses of power […] Everyone who was there said that it was clear that it’s a topic we’re going to return to because no one can get enough of it. It excites everyone. Power! […]”

To live in a world of female power—mutual power—felt like a desirable dream to Zee. Having power meant that the world was like a pasture with the gate left open, and that there was nothing stopping you, and you could run and run.

Related Characters: Greer Kadetsky (speaker), Zee Eisenstat (speaker), Noelle
Page Number: 261
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

“These are not shy-person actions, Greer, I’m just saying. They’re something else. Sneaky, maybe.” Coldly, Zee added, “You really know how to act in the face of power. I’ve never put that together before, but it’s true […] You went to work for Faith Frank, the role model, the feminist, and I didn’t. But you know what? I think there are two kinds of feminists. The famous ones, and everyone else. Everyone else, all the people who just quietly go and do what they’re supposed to do, and don’t get a lot of credit for it, and don’t have someone out there every day telling them they’re doing an awesome job. I don’t have a mentor, Greer, and I’ve never had one. But I’ve had different women in my life who I like to be around […] I don’t need their approval. I don’t need their permission. You want to know how often I think about the fact that I didn’t get to work for Faith Frank? Almost never.”

Related Characters: Zee Eisenstat (speaker), Greer Kadetsky, Faith Frank
Page Number: 367-368
Explanation and Analysis:
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Zee Eisenstat Quotes in The Female Persuasion

The The Female Persuasion quotes below are all either spoken by Zee Eisenstat or refer to Zee Eisenstat. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Female Friendship and Mentorship Theme Icon
Chapter 1  Quotes

“She’s probably one of those women who hates women,” said Zee. “A total cunt.” Then she began to sing her own version of a song from a musical that her parents used to like: “Women… women who hate women… are the cuntiest women… in the world…”

Greer said, “That’s terrible! You shouldn’t say cunt.”

“Oh, come on,” Zee went on. “I can say what I want. That’s having agency.”

“You shouldn’t say agency,” said Greer. “That’s worse.”

Related Characters: Greer Kadetsky (speaker), Zee Eisenstat (speaker)
Page Number: 22
Explanation and Analysis:

Then, beside her, in the pew, Zee’s arm went up too. Of course she had a real question, a political one; she probably even had follow-ups. Faith nodded her head in their direction. At first it was unclear which of them she was calling on. But then she saw Faith seem to zero in on her, specifically her, Greer, and Greer looked quizzically at Zee, making sure she was reading this right. Zee gave her a quick, affirmative nod, as if to say: Yes. This is yours. Zee even smiled, wanting Greer to have it.

Related Characters: Greer Kadetsky (speaker), Zee Eisenstat (speaker), Faith Frank
Page Number: 34
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7 Quotes

“So you’re saying I should quit now?”

Noelle looked at her steadily. “No, of course I’m not saying that. You shouldn’t do that to these kids, not in the middle of the year. They crave stability. You stay, and you finish the year, and you do your best, and then you decide. Look, I’m sure you’re a fine person, and I’m sure you’re a person who is trying hard to… what do you say to yourself, ‘get involved’? I know that feeling: I have had it myself. But sometimes the way to get involved is to just live your life and be yourself with all your values intact. And by just being you, it’ll happen. Maybe not in big ways, but it’ll happen.”

Related Characters: Zee Eisenstat (speaker), Noelle (speaker)
Page Number: 256
Explanation and Analysis:

When they lay down upon the narrow mattress that Zee had purchased at a garage sale upon moving here […] she couldn’t help but think a little bit about power: who had it right now […] Power was hard to understand sometimes. You could not quantify it or calibrate it. You could barely see it, even when you were looking straight at it.

“That’s what everyone was talking about at the first Loci summit,” Greer had said recently on the phone when the subject came up. “The meaning and uses of power […] Everyone who was there said that it was clear that it’s a topic we’re going to return to because no one can get enough of it. It excites everyone. Power! […]”

To live in a world of female power—mutual power—felt like a desirable dream to Zee. Having power meant that the world was like a pasture with the gate left open, and that there was nothing stopping you, and you could run and run.

Related Characters: Greer Kadetsky (speaker), Zee Eisenstat (speaker), Noelle
Page Number: 261
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

“These are not shy-person actions, Greer, I’m just saying. They’re something else. Sneaky, maybe.” Coldly, Zee added, “You really know how to act in the face of power. I’ve never put that together before, but it’s true […] You went to work for Faith Frank, the role model, the feminist, and I didn’t. But you know what? I think there are two kinds of feminists. The famous ones, and everyone else. Everyone else, all the people who just quietly go and do what they’re supposed to do, and don’t get a lot of credit for it, and don’t have someone out there every day telling them they’re doing an awesome job. I don’t have a mentor, Greer, and I’ve never had one. But I’ve had different women in my life who I like to be around […] I don’t need their approval. I don’t need their permission. You want to know how often I think about the fact that I didn’t get to work for Faith Frank? Almost never.”

Related Characters: Zee Eisenstat (speaker), Greer Kadetsky, Faith Frank
Page Number: 367-368
Explanation and Analysis: