The Golden Compass


Philip Pullman

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Farder Coram Character Analysis

A wise, old gyptian man. While his mind is still very sharp, Farder Coram's body is failing him. He trembles and walks with two canes. The beauty and health of his cat dæmon, Sophonax, represents his mental acuity. As a young man, Farder Coram fell in love with the witch Serafina Pekkala. He still loves her in the novel's present but hasn't seen her for more than 40 years. Lyra recognizes that Farder Coram is still heartbroken over losing her. When Lyra is unable to join many of the gyptian groups preparing for the journey north, she attaches herself to Farder Coram and the two become close friends. Farder Coram mentors Lyra and helps her interpret some of the symbols on the alethiometer, while also making her feel useful and important thanks to her ability to read it. His confidence and his knowledge of the bears means that Farder Coram is able to convince Iorek Byrnison to come with the gyptians in a way that Lyra feels was rude and risky.

Farder Coram Quotes in The Golden Compass

The The Golden Compass quotes below are all either spoken by Farder Coram or refer to Farder Coram. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Childhood, Innocence, and Maturation Theme Icon
Chapter Seven Quotes

"And the Church in recent times, Lyra, it's been getting more commanding. There's councils for this and councils for that; there's talk of reviving the Office of Inquisition, God forbid. And the Master has to tread warily between all these powers. He has to keep Jordan College on the right side of the Church, or it won't survive."

Related Characters: John Faa (speaker), Lyra, Farder Coram, The Master
Page Number: 127
Explanation and Analysis:
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Farder Coram Quotes in The Golden Compass

The The Golden Compass quotes below are all either spoken by Farder Coram or refer to Farder Coram. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Childhood, Innocence, and Maturation Theme Icon
Chapter Seven Quotes

"And the Church in recent times, Lyra, it's been getting more commanding. There's councils for this and councils for that; there's talk of reviving the Office of Inquisition, God forbid. And the Master has to tread warily between all these powers. He has to keep Jordan College on the right side of the Church, or it won't survive."

Related Characters: John Faa (speaker), Lyra, Farder Coram, The Master
Page Number: 127
Explanation and Analysis: