The Man in the High Castle


Philip K. Dick

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Doctor Seyss-Inquart Character Analysis

Historically, Seyss-Inquart held a variety of important positions in Hitler’s government. In the novel, Seyss-Inquart is “the most hated man in Reich territory,” with a single-minded focus on exterminating Jews that makes him the Nazi “closest in temperament” to Hitler. He, too, is jockeying to replace Chancellor Bormann as the Reich’s leader.
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Doctor Seyss-Inquart Character Timeline in The Man in the High Castle

The timeline below shows where the character Doctor Seyss-Inquart appears in The Man in the High Castle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
History vs. Daily Life Theme Icon
The final person in contention is Doctor Seyss-Inquart, the man “closest in temperament” to Hitler himself. Seyss-Inquart is thought to be largely responsible... (full context)
Prejudice and Power Theme Icon
Moral Ambiguity and Forgiveness  Theme Icon
...opines that the best candidates are probably von Schirach and Goebbels, and that Heydrich and Seyss-Inquart are among the worst. But the Japanese government fears and loathes all the possible new... (full context)
Chapter 7
Prejudice and Power Theme Icon
History vs. Daily Life Theme Icon
Agency vs. Chance  Theme Icon
...Heavy. His mind drifts to thoughts of the new Nazi leadership, and he hopes Doctor Seyss-Inquart will be chosen as chancellor. He dreams that one day he will have enough money... (full context)