The Man in the High Castle


Philip K. Dick

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Kreuz vom Meere Character Analysis

Vom Meere is the head of Nazi intelligence in the Pacific States of America; he is a prominent (and dangerous) man. Throughout the book, vom Meere is focused on capturing Baynes before he can meet with the Japanese. Though he is supposed to collaborate with Reiss, vom Meere periodically goes over Reiss’ head, much to the Reiss’s frustration. Vom Meere is openly disdainful of the Japanese.
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Kreuz vom Meere Character Timeline in The Man in the High Castle

The timeline below shows where the character Kreuz vom Meere appears in The Man in the High Castle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8
History vs. Daily Life Theme Icon
Agency vs. Chance  Theme Icon
Hugo Reiss, the German ambassador to the PSA, gets a call from Kreuz vom Meere , the head of Nazi intelligence on the west coast. Reiss and vom Meere have... (full context)
Chapter 10
Authenticity vs. Originality Theme Icon
...least ten such people in the PSA. However, many of these operatives are known to vom Meere , the prominent—and dangerous—regional chief of police. Baynes wonders if the Reich knows about the... (full context)
Chapter 11
History vs. Daily Life Theme Icon
Authenticity vs. Originality Theme Icon
...Reich’s Consul in San Francisco, ambassador Reiss is greeted with an unwelcome visitor: police chief vom Meere . Vom Meere informs Reiss that they have found Rudolph Wegener, the “Abwehr fellow”; his... (full context)
Prejudice and Power Theme Icon
...trying to capture Wegener before or during this meeting will upset the Japanese higher-ups. However, vom Meere tells Reiss that he already has a Kommando squad ready to capture Wegener; vom Meere... (full context)
History vs. Daily Life Theme Icon
Authenticity vs. Originality Theme Icon
Agency vs. Chance  Theme Icon
...himself, calling to emphasize the necessity of capturing Wegener. Without any other option, Reiss gives vom Meere an authorization for Wegener’s capture. Vom Meere tells Reiss that when the Japanese call to... (full context)
Prejudice and Power Theme Icon
History vs. Daily Life Theme Icon
Reiss thinks about ways that he could sabotage vom Meere . He considers telling the Japanese what flight Wegener will be departing on; he also... (full context)