The Man in the High Castle


Philip K. Dick

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Man in the High Castle makes teaching easy.
In reality, Tugwell was an economist who spearheaded many of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s most beloved New Deal policies. In The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, Tugwell becomes the U.S. President after Roosevelt. The novel-within-a-novel depicts Tugwell as a strong leader; he successfully predicts Pearl Harbor, for example, and is therefore able to evacuate the U.S. fleet before the famous bombing.
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Rex Tugwell Character Timeline in The Man in the High Castle

The timeline below shows where the character Rex Tugwell appears in The Man in the High Castle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
History vs. Daily Life Theme Icon
Agency vs. Chance  Theme Icon
Art, Perspective, and Truth Theme Icon alternative history, one in which Roosevelt lived and was succeeded by a man named Rex Tugwell ; Tugwell predicted the bombing of Pearl Harbor and was able to evacuate the U.S.... (full context)