The Tale of Genji


Shikibu Murasaki

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Oborozukiyo is one of Kokiden's younger sisters. Genji meets her after a party one night; he discovers her door open, rapes her, and tells her that it's useless to fight him as he always gets his way. She maintains a degree of power by initially keeping her name from Genji; he refers to her in the novel as “the lady of the misty moon” because of the imagery on a fan she gives him. At a party several weeks later, however, the two reconnect and Genji learns who she really is. The two conduct a relationship off and on, though it doesn't turn into a problem until Kokiden raises Oborozukiyo's rank and brings her to court for Suzaku, who is by this point emperor. After this, the Minister of the Right discovers Oborozukiyo and Genji in bed together, and this leads to Genji's exile. Though Oborozukiyo and Genji exchange notes throughout the exile, it's implied that she doesn't allow their sexual relationship to resume when he returns. However, she does remain fixated on Genji; Suzaku comments on this and reminds her that if she's to have a child with Genji, the baby would be a commoner and therefore, would give Oborozukiyo herself less political capital.

Oborozukiyo Quotes in The Tale of Genji

The The Tale of Genji quotes below are all either spoken by Oborozukiyo or refer to Oborozukiyo. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Heian Court Culture Theme Icon
The Festival of the Cherry Blossoms Quotes

"It will do you no good. I am always allowed my way. Just be quiet, if you will, please." [...] Though of course upset, she evidently did not wish him to think her wanting in good manners.

Related Characters: Genji (speaker), Oborozukiyo
Page Number: 138
Explanation and Analysis:
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Oborozukiyo Quotes in The Tale of Genji

The The Tale of Genji quotes below are all either spoken by Oborozukiyo or refer to Oborozukiyo. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Heian Court Culture Theme Icon
The Festival of the Cherry Blossoms Quotes

"It will do you no good. I am always allowed my way. Just be quiet, if you will, please." [...] Though of course upset, she evidently did not wish him to think her wanting in good manners.

Related Characters: Genji (speaker), Oborozukiyo
Page Number: 138
Explanation and Analysis: