The Wasp Factory


Iain Banks

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A chemical compound. Taken orally, it reduces a person’s sex drive.
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KBr/Bromide Term Timeline in The Wasp Factory

The timeline below shows where the term KBr/Bromide appears in The Wasp Factory. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 11: The Prodigal
Sexism and Gender Roles Theme Icon
...inside is a box of tampons, a box of male hormones, and a box labeled KBr. Confronted with this puzzle, Frank begins to work through it. He comes to the conclusion... (full context)
Chapter 12: What Happened to Me
Control, Violence, and Power Theme Icon
Family and Friendship  Theme Icon
Sexism and Gender Roles Theme Icon
...Angus always cooked, and why Frances had a beard and no periods. Angus also added bromide to the food to keep Frances from getting aroused by the extra androgen. Angus made... (full context)