The Wind in the Willows


Kenneth Grahame

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Wind in the Willows makes teaching easy.

The Engine Driver Character Analysis

The engine driver drives the train that takes Toad away from prison and into the country. He’s a kind man who initially takes pity on Toad because he believes Toad’s washerwoman disguise and the story that Toad has naughty kids he must get home to. Even when the engine driver learns the truth, he still agrees to help Toad evade capture—he doesn’t like cars and thinks Toad should be punished, but he hates policemen telling him what to do and animals crying even more.
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The Engine Driver Character Timeline in The Wind in the Willows

The timeline below shows where the character The Engine Driver appears in The Wind in the Willows. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Eight
Manners, Conduct, and Consequences Theme Icon
Home, Identity, and Adventure Theme Icon
Greed, Arrogance, and Social Class Theme Icon
...his cell. He wonders if he can squeeze under a seat, but just then, the engine driver asks Toad what’s the matter. Toad sobs that he’s a washerwoman and needs to get... (full context)
Manners, Conduct, and Consequences Theme Icon
Greed, Arrogance, and Social Class Theme Icon jump and sing. He stops immediately, though, when after some looking and listening, the engine driver says there’s another train behind them. Toad becomes depressed and barely acknowledges when the engine... (full context)
Manners, Conduct, and Consequences Theme Icon
Home, Identity, and Adventure Theme Icon
Greed, Arrogance, and Social Class Theme Icon
When the engine driver says the people on the other train are shouting for his train to stop, Toad... (full context)
Manners, Conduct, and Consequences Theme Icon
Nature, Leisure, and the Modern World Theme Icon
Greed, Arrogance, and Social Class Theme Icon
For a while, Toad and the engine driver shovel more coals into the furnace, but it doesn’t do enough. The engine driver explains... (full context)
Chapter Twelve
Friendship and Mentorship Theme Icon
Manners, Conduct, and Consequences Theme Icon
Nature, Leisure, and the Modern World Theme Icon
Greed, Arrogance, and Social Class Theme Icon
...lovely gold and pearl locket to the gaoler’s daughter, and he sends money to the engine driver . Badger encourages Toad to compensate the barge woman for her horse (fortunately, the horse... (full context)