Up From Slavery


Booker T. Washington

General J. F. B. Marshall Character Analysis

General Marshall is another retired Union Army benefactor of the Hampton Institute, and he expresses a specific interest in Washington’s education. Marshal allows Washington to continue at the institute on credit until Washington can come up with the money to pay tuition, and later in their relationship, Marshall provides a large personal donation to the Tuskegee Institute. Marshall is portrayed as being kind and generous, and a personal friend to Washington.
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General J. F. B. Marshall Character Timeline in Up From Slavery

The timeline below shows where the character General J. F. B. Marshall appears in Up From Slavery. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: Helping Others
The Dignity of Labor Theme Icon
Meritocracy Theme Icon
...re-enroll in the Institute on his own merit. His determination led him to meet with General J. F. B. Marshall , Hampton’s treasurer, who granted him reentry into the Institute and trusted Washington to pay... (full context)
Chapter 8: Teaching School in a Stable and a Hen-House
The Dignity of Labor Theme Icon
Gradual Racial Progress Theme Icon
...balance in installments. To get the initial payment, Washington appealed to the treasurer of Hampton, General J. F. B. Marshall , who lent him the money personally. Washington felt a great burden from the loan,... (full context)
Chapter 9: Anxious Days and Sleepless Nights
Meritocracy Theme Icon
After three months of fundraising, the school was able to secure enough money to repay General Marshall , and two months later it was able to pay the full five hundred dollars.... (full context)
Chapter 11: Making Their Beds Before They Could
Vocational Education Theme Icon
A little bit after the early struggles of the Institute, some of Washington’s mentors, including General Marshall , Miss Mackie, and even General Armstrong himself visited the Institute. By this time the... (full context)