Voyage in the Dark


Jean Rhys

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Germaine Character Analysis

Germaine is a French woman who’s romantically involved with Vincent. Anna and Walter go on a short vacation in the countryside with Germaine and Vincent, but the entire weekend is ruined because Germaine and Vincent got into an argument shortly before arriving. Germaine spends the weekend berating Vincent and suggesting that he doesn’t care about women, but Anna doesn’t know why—until, that is, Walter explains that Vincent is going away for a while and didn’t tell Germaine until the last minute. Germaine is also angry because she thinks Vincent isn’t leaving her enough money. In the course of this conversation, Anna learns that Walter is also leaving with Vincent. She thus understands Germaine’s anger. Unlike Germaine, though, she keeps her disappointment to herself, ultimately responding in a much more passive manner.
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Germaine Character Timeline in Voyage in the Dark

The timeline below shows where the character Germaine appears in Voyage in the Dark. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part One: Chapter 7
Sexism, Love, and Power Theme Icon
...while, as she and Walter relax and have sex. But then Vincent and his girlfriend, Germaine, arrive the next morning. Germaine is in a foul mood and keeps insulting Vincent, but... (full context)
Sexism, Love, and Power Theme Icon
Money and Happiness Theme Icon
At dinner, Germaine—who’s French—openly insults Vincent. She turns to Anna and says English men don’t care about women.... (full context)
Sexism, Love, and Power Theme Icon
Money and Happiness Theme Icon
...say much when Walter tells her he’ll be leaving soon. They eventually rejoin Vincent and Germaine, who ask Anna about her theater career when Walter steps away for a moment. She... (full context)
Sexism, Love, and Power Theme Icon
...puts her cigarette out on Walter’s hand. Walter yelps and takes his hand away, but Germaine congratulates Anna, saying, “Bravo, kid.” Shortly thereafter, they all pile into a car to back... (full context)
Sexism, Love, and Power Theme Icon
Money and Happiness Theme Icon
Anna and Walter talk about Vincent and Germaine once they go inside. Anna thinks Germaine is pretty, but Walter says she’s quite old—of... (full context)