Chinese Cinderella

Chinese Cinderella


Adeline Yen Mah

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Rachel Yu Character Analysis

Rachel is a close friend of Adeline during the years spent at the boarding school in Hong Kong. Rachel is kind and considerate, but Adeline is reticent to tell Rachel of her suffering, in part because Rachel suffers in her own way—her father has devoted his life to her success, but this leads her to feel smothered by his expectations. In an important moment for Adeline’s development, Rachel and her friends invite Adeline to play a game in which each person compares what they like most about themselves with what the group believes are their best qualities. When Adeline admits that she like nothing about herself, Rachel counters her response, telling her that all of their friends believe Adeline is the “most likely to succeed,” bolstering her confidence.
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Rachel Yu Character Timeline in Chinese Cinderella

The timeline below shows where the character Rachel Yu appears in Chinese Cinderella. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 19: End of Term
Physical and Emotional Abuse Theme Icon
Coming of Age and Self-Worth Theme Icon
Friendship Theme Icon
...their parents and filter out until only Adeline and her two best friends are left, Rachel Yu and Mary Suen. Although Adeline loves her friends, she can never bring herself to... (full context)
Chapter 20: Pneumonia
Physical and Emotional Abuse Theme Icon
Friendship Theme Icon
After Rachel and Mary leave, Adeline’s headache grows much worse, developing into a high fever, and the... (full context)
Chapter 21: Playwriting Competition
Coming of Age and Self-Worth Theme Icon
Friendship Theme Icon
When the chauffer brings Adeline back to school, she finds Rachel, Mary, and her friends playing a game in which they each compare what they believe... (full context)