Hope Leslie

Hope Leslie


Catharine Sedgwick

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Master Cradock Character Analysis

Cradock is Hope Leslie’s tutor. He travels to America with her and lives with the Fletcher household. He is rather bumbling and awkward but lovable and fiercely devoted to Hope. During a nature expedition, Cradock is bitten by a rattlesnake and would sooner die than risk Hope’s death by allowing her to suck the venom from the wound. Later, Nelema saves his life using tribal remedies. In Boston, Cradock helps Hope rescue Magawisca from jail. He lives happily with Hope and Everell after their marriage.
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Master Cradock Character Timeline in Hope Leslie

The timeline below shows where the character Master Cradock appears in Hope Leslie. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Volume 1, Chapter 3
Religious Conflict and Tolerance Theme Icon
...later. Along with the two girls, their widowed aunt, Mrs. Grafton, and their tutor, Master Cradock, will join the household. Mrs. Grafton is a devout Anglican, and she is indifferent to... (full context)
The Puritan Heritage Theme Icon
...Mary home along with Mrs. Grafton and Oneco, and he remains with Alice and Master Cradock. First, however, he has Alice and Mary baptized and renamed Hope and Faith, respectively. (full context)
Volume 1, Chapter 8
Religious Conflict and Tolerance Theme Icon
...it looks just like himself and Everell at the moment Digby discovered him. Both Master Cradock and Aunt Grafton take credit for Hope’s proficiency in painting, and the painting is enough... (full context)
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
The Puritan Heritage Theme Icon
Tomorrow, Hope will be joining her father and Master Cradock on an expedition to a new settlement called Northampton. Aunt Grafton protests that this plan... (full context)
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
...of the surrounding country. After lingering on the summit for a while, Digby and Master Cradock help Hope descend. In the process, Cradock startles a rattlesnake and is bitten. Hope offers... (full context)
Interracial Relationships Theme Icon
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
They make the six-hour journey back to Springfield; in the meantime, Cradock’s wound becomes inflamed, and his death is believed to be imminent. As soon as they... (full context)
Religious Conflict and Tolerance Theme Icon
Interracial Relationships Theme Icon
After a while, Cradock begins to breathe more freely and regains normal color. As she returns to her own... (full context)
Religious Conflict and Tolerance Theme Icon
Interracial Relationships Theme Icon
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
...(Nelema claims that both girls continue to live with Mononotto, among the Mohawks.) Meanwhile, Master Cradock, now recovered, writes a lengthy Latin address in praise of his “ministering angel,” Hope. (full context)
Volume 1, Chapter 9
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
...Hope’s late mother, Alice Fletcher). She is also doted on by Aunt Grafton and Master Cradock. (full context)
Volume 1, Chapter 11
Religious Conflict and Tolerance Theme Icon
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
The Puritan Heritage Theme Icon
...table by discussing how much conditions in the colonies have improved. When Hope asks Master Cradock a question, he awkwardly jerks to attention, bumping the elbow of a hovering servant and... (full context)
Volume 2, Chapter 1
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
...Hope out of her dripping clothes, and Hope gratefully retires to her room. Esther, Master Cradock, and Mrs. Grafton linger in the parlor, each speaking up in Hope’s defense. Everell, however,... (full context)
Volume 2, Chapter 4
Religious Conflict and Tolerance Theme Icon
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
As the trip gets underway, Hope, Sir Philip, Mrs. Grafton, and Master Cradock get into a somewhat humorous debate about theology, but Hope is not much focused on... (full context)
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
Then Master Cradock appears and informs Mrs. Grafton that the tide has turned, and it’s time for them... (full context)
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
...to remain on the island with her. When he boards the boat, he finds Master Cradock, Mrs. Grafton, and Esther similarly mortified by Hope’s apparent indiscretion. (full context)
Volume 2, Chapter 8
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
...occurred after she and Magawisca were parted. When she describes her encounter with Antonio, Master Cradock laughs uproariously, taking credit for teaching her Italian. (full context)
Volume 2, Chapter 11
Religious Conflict and Tolerance Theme Icon
Governor Winthrop at first thinks that the young man is speaking Italian and that Master Cradock could confirm this, but the tutor has gone out somewhere with Hope. The Governor arranges... (full context)
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
Earlier that evening, Hope had approached Master Cradock in his study, needing his help. She urges Cradock to put on his cloak, despite... (full context)
Interracial Relationships Theme Icon
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
When Hope asks to see Magawisca, Barnaby, to her surprise, asks for a permit. Cradock offers to walk home to obtain one, but Hope says she must abandon her plan... (full context)
Interracial Relationships Theme Icon
Violence and Historical Memory Theme Icon
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
Hope tells Magawisca and Master Cradock that they must swap outfits—Magawisca must borrow Cradock’s wig, hat, boots, and cloak, and Cradock... (full context)
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
When Barnaby tries to get a look at “Cradock” with his lamp, Hope sweeps her shawl in such a way that the flame is... (full context)
Volume 2, Chapter 14
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
...hurries inside, Everell kisses her hand, then goes to the jail to take poor Master Cradock’s place under Barnaby Tuttle’s supervision. (full context)
Volume 2, Chapter 15
Interracial Relationships Theme Icon
Violence and Historical Memory Theme Icon
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
The Puritan Heritage Theme Icon
...learns how he’s been tricked. When he takes Everell to Magawisca’s old cell, they find Cradock sound asleep. Tuttle cannot resent Hope for hoodwinking him. Governor Winthrop, distracted by a brewing... (full context)
The Puritan Heritage Theme Icon
...appears to have brought about good through their actions. They conclude that Hope and Master Cradock should be privately admonished and freely pardoned, and that Everell should receive a public censure. (full context)
Women’s Roles Theme Icon
...lived happily ever after with the two of them, as did Aunt Grafton and Master Cradock. Digby prides himself on having foreseen this marriage, and Barnaby retires to a happy life... (full context)