Merchants of Doubt

Merchants of Doubt


Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway

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Edward Teller Character Analysis

Edward Teller was a prominent but controversial nuclear physicist who played an important role in the development of the atomic bomb. Along with other physicists like Robert Jastrow and Fred Singer, Teller worked to defend the Strategic Defense Initiative, discredit Carl Sagan’s scientifically valid nuclear winter theory, and convince the U.S. government to develop and stockpile more nuclear weapons.
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Edward Teller Character Timeline in Merchants of Doubt

The timeline below shows where the character Edward Teller appears in Merchants of Doubt. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2
Science, Trust, and Public Policy Theme Icon
Certainty, Doubt, and the Scientific Method Theme Icon
...conservative think tanks helped defeat Nixon’s plans to de-escalate tensions with the Soviet Union, physicists Edward Teller and Robert Jastrow decided to start a think tank to defend the SDI. Prominent astronomer... (full context)
Science, Trust, and Public Policy Theme Icon
The Birth of Team B. In 1976, Edward Teller convinced the CIA to conduct an independent assessment of the Soviet Union’s military strength. The... (full context)
Science, Trust, and Public Policy Theme Icon
Capitalism and the Environment Theme Icon
Media Bias Theme Icon
Certainty, Doubt, and the Scientific Method Theme Icon
Russell Seitz’s accusations were far from the truth. Conservative scientists still worked freely—in fact, Edward Teller and Fred Singer even published rebuttals to the nuclear winter theory in Science, the journal... (full context)