Merchants of Doubt

Merchants of Doubt


Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway

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I. L. Baldwin Character Analysis

I. L. Baldwin was a bacteriologist and biological weapons researcher who wrote a critical review of Silent Spring in Science in 1962. While he agreed with all of Rachel Carson’s conclusions, he thought that she was too “impassioned” and pessimistic about technology. In the 21st century, contrarians began citing Baldwin’s review as evidence as part of a media campaign to defend DDT and promote free market fundamentalism.
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I. L. Baldwin Character Timeline in Merchants of Doubt

The timeline below shows where the character I. L. Baldwin appears in Merchants of Doubt. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7
Science, Trust, and Public Policy Theme Icon
Media Bias Theme Icon
...New York Times Magazine ran articles questioning Carson’s research and citing the work of bacteriologist I. L. Baldwin . (full context)
Science, Trust, and Public Policy Theme Icon
Capitalism and the Environment Theme Icon
I. L. Baldwin , the bacteriologist cited by Rachel Carson’s 21st-century detractors, never even researched DDT. Instead, he... (full context)