My Name is Red


Orhan Pamuk

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on My Name is Red makes teaching easy.

Shekure Character Analysis

Shekure is the 24-year-old heroine of the story. Everyone who has seen her thinks that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Her cousin Black falls in love with her when she is 12, and when her father Enishte banishes Black as a result, Shekure marries a handsome soldier and has two sons with him, Shevket and Orhan. However, before long Shekure’s husband disappears in battle, leaving Shekure in a limbo between being married and widowed. For a while she lives with her brother-in-law Hasan and his father, but she goes back to live with Enishte when Hasan attempts to rape her. Shekure and Enishte have an extremely close relationship, and Shekure is devastated when Enishte is murdered. Shekure often gives off the outward appearance of being helpless and obedient, but, in fact, she is quite determined, self-assured, and competent. She adores her two sons, and—although she loves Black, as well—she admits that motherhood is what brings her the most happiness.

Shekure Quotes in My Name is Red

The My Name is Red quotes below are all either spoken by Shekure or refer to Shekure. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Storytelling, Identity, and Perspective Theme Icon
Chapter 9 Quotes

Perhaps one day someone from a distant land will listen to this story of mine. Isn't this what lies behind the desire to be inscribed in the pages of a book? Isn't it just for the sake of this delight that sultans and viziers proffer bags of gold to have their histories written? When I feel this delight, just like those beautiful women with one eye on the life within the book and one eye on the life outside, I, too, long to speak with you who are observing me from who knows which distant time and place. I'm an attractive and intelligent woman, and it pleases me that I'm being watched. And if I happen to tell a lie or two from time to time it's so you don't come to any false conclusions about me.

Related Characters: Shekure (speaker)
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:
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Shekure Quotes in My Name is Red

The My Name is Red quotes below are all either spoken by Shekure or refer to Shekure. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Storytelling, Identity, and Perspective Theme Icon
Chapter 9 Quotes

Perhaps one day someone from a distant land will listen to this story of mine. Isn't this what lies behind the desire to be inscribed in the pages of a book? Isn't it just for the sake of this delight that sultans and viziers proffer bags of gold to have their histories written? When I feel this delight, just like those beautiful women with one eye on the life within the book and one eye on the life outside, I, too, long to speak with you who are observing me from who knows which distant time and place. I'm an attractive and intelligent woman, and it pleases me that I'm being watched. And if I happen to tell a lie or two from time to time it's so you don't come to any false conclusions about me.

Related Characters: Shekure (speaker)
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis: