My Sister’s Keeper

My Sister’s Keeper


Jodi Picoult

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on My Sister’s Keeper makes teaching easy.

Isobel “Izzy” Romano Character Analysis

Izzy is Julia’s twin sister. The two are quite different from each other, with Izzy selling jewelry made of found materials while Julia works a typical 9-5 job. Izzy moves in with Julia after breaking up with her girlfriend, causing tension between the two. Izzy is especially critical of Campbell and Julia’s reunion with him, warning Julia that Campbell will hurt her again. Even so, she’s unequivocally supportive of Julia when she struggles with her feelings for Campbell.

Isobel “Izzy” Romano Quotes in My Sister’s Keeper

The My Sister’s Keeper quotes below are all either spoken by Isobel “Izzy” Romano or refer to Isobel “Izzy” Romano. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Bodily Autonomy Theme Icon
11. Wednesday: Julia Quotes

For a minute I look at [Anna]. What would I do, if I found out that Izzy needed a kidney, or a part of my liver, or marrow? The answer isn’t even questionable—I would ask how quickly we could go to the hospital and have it done.

But then, it would have been my choice, my decision.

Related Characters: Julia Romano (speaker), Andromeda “Anna” Fitzgerald, Isobel “Izzy” Romano
Page Number: 111-112
Explanation and Analysis:
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Isobel “Izzy” Romano Quotes in My Sister’s Keeper

The My Sister’s Keeper quotes below are all either spoken by Isobel “Izzy” Romano or refer to Isobel “Izzy” Romano. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Bodily Autonomy Theme Icon
11. Wednesday: Julia Quotes

For a minute I look at [Anna]. What would I do, if I found out that Izzy needed a kidney, or a part of my liver, or marrow? The answer isn’t even questionable—I would ask how quickly we could go to the hospital and have it done.

But then, it would have been my choice, my decision.

Related Characters: Julia Romano (speaker), Andromeda “Anna” Fitzgerald, Isobel “Izzy” Romano
Page Number: 111-112
Explanation and Analysis: