My Sister’s Keeper

My Sister’s Keeper


Jodi Picoult

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on My Sister’s Keeper makes teaching easy.
Paulie is one of Brian’s colleagues. He is divorced after his wife left him for a cellist. Out of all the firefighters, he’s known Brian the longest and can often sense when something is happening with Kate. He is present at the scene of Campbell and Anna’s car crash, where Brian punches him when he attempts to pull Anna from the car.
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Paulie Character Timeline in My Sister’s Keeper

The timeline below shows where the character Paulie appears in My Sister’s Keeper. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
4. Monday: Brian
Control Theme Icon
Illness and Isolation Theme Icon
Brian returns to the station and has dinner with his coworkers: Red, who’s cooking; Paulie, who’s reading a newspaper; and Caesar, who’s writing a love letter to his newest dalliance.... (full context)
Parenthood Theme Icon
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Illness and Isolation Theme Icon
...suspects that the fire was so hot that there will be nothing left to clean. Paulie states that at least this one isn’t arson, since the town has had a rash... (full context)
22. Friday: Brian
Parenthood Theme Icon
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Illness and Isolation Theme Icon
Earlier in the morning, Paulie and Brian respond to a call in which a teenage boy is trying to revive... (full context)
34. Monday: Brian
Parenthood Theme Icon
Control Theme Icon
...butt, which Brian takes, looking at the brand. On the way out from the scene, Paulie tells Brian that they weren’t the ones who broke the window. Brian realizes that the... (full context)