My Sister’s Keeper

My Sister’s Keeper


Jodi Picoult

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on My Sister’s Keeper makes teaching easy.
Julia is Anna’s guardian ad litem, assigned to her in order to act as an advocate for Anna in court. Julia cares deeply about Anna but struggles to ascertain her motivations and intentions due to Anna constantly changing her mind about the case throughout the novel. Julia also has a long past with Anna’s lawyer, Campbell, who abruptly dumped her when the two were in high school together. As a result of the breakup, Julia has low self-esteem and has struggled to connect with other men. Her twin sister, Izzy, hates Campbell and constantly warns Julia against talking to him, advice that Julia struggles to follow. Julia is skeptical of Campbell’s motivations in taking the case and accuses him multiple times of taking Anna’s case in order to bolster his own publicity. Even so, she struggles with her attraction to him throughout the novel, and her opinion on him changes considerably when he has a seizure in court and she discovers that he has epilepsy, which led him to break up with Julia since he believed that she deserved better. Julia rejects the idea that Campbell’s epilepsy will stifle her independence and vows to stay by his side. Years later, the two get married.

Julia Romano Quotes in My Sister’s Keeper

The My Sister’s Keeper quotes below are all either spoken by Julia Romano or refer to Julia Romano. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Bodily Autonomy Theme Icon
11. Wednesday: Julia Quotes

For a minute I look at [Anna]. What would I do, if I found out that Izzy needed a kidney, or a part of my liver, or marrow? The answer isn’t even questionable—I would ask how quickly we could go to the hospital and have it done.

But then, it would have been my choice, my decision.

Related Characters: Julia Romano (speaker), Andromeda “Anna” Fitzgerald, Isobel “Izzy” Romano
Page Number: 111-112
Explanation and Analysis:
15. Thursday: Julia Quotes

I could ask [Kate] if she has talked to the nephrologists about a kidney transplant, if she has any particular feelings about undergoing so many different, painful treatments. But this is exactly what Kate is expecting me to ask, which is probably why the question that comes out of my mouth is completely different. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“No one ever asks me that.” She eyes me carefully. “What makes you think I’m going to grow up?”

“What makes you think you’re not? Isn’t that why you’re doing all this?”

Just when I think she isn’t going to answer me, she speaks. “I always wanted to be a ballerina.” Her arm goes up, a weak arabesque. “You know what ballerinas have? […] Absolute control. When it comes to their bodies, they know exactly what’s going to happen, and when.”

Related Characters: Kate Fitzgerald (speaker), Julia Romano (speaker)
Page Number: 160-161
Explanation and Analysis:
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Julia Romano Quotes in My Sister’s Keeper

The My Sister’s Keeper quotes below are all either spoken by Julia Romano or refer to Julia Romano. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Bodily Autonomy Theme Icon
11. Wednesday: Julia Quotes

For a minute I look at [Anna]. What would I do, if I found out that Izzy needed a kidney, or a part of my liver, or marrow? The answer isn’t even questionable—I would ask how quickly we could go to the hospital and have it done.

But then, it would have been my choice, my decision.

Related Characters: Julia Romano (speaker), Andromeda “Anna” Fitzgerald, Isobel “Izzy” Romano
Page Number: 111-112
Explanation and Analysis:
15. Thursday: Julia Quotes

I could ask [Kate] if she has talked to the nephrologists about a kidney transplant, if she has any particular feelings about undergoing so many different, painful treatments. But this is exactly what Kate is expecting me to ask, which is probably why the question that comes out of my mouth is completely different. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“No one ever asks me that.” She eyes me carefully. “What makes you think I’m going to grow up?”

“What makes you think you’re not? Isn’t that why you’re doing all this?”

Just when I think she isn’t going to answer me, she speaks. “I always wanted to be a ballerina.” Her arm goes up, a weak arabesque. “You know what ballerinas have? […] Absolute control. When it comes to their bodies, they know exactly what’s going to happen, and when.”

Related Characters: Kate Fitzgerald (speaker), Julia Romano (speaker)
Page Number: 160-161
Explanation and Analysis: