Nothing to Envy


Barbara Demick

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The Korean War was a war between North Korea, which was backed by China and the Soviet Union, and South Korea, which was backed principally by the United States. The war began in June of 1950, when North Korean forces invaded South Korea, and ended in July of 1953, after South Korean forces, aided by the U.S. military, had pushed North Korean armies back to about the 38th parallel. The war ended unofficially in an armistice, or a cease-fire, with the creation of a demilitarized zone between the two countries to serve as a neutral zone between the two sovereign states.

The Korean War Quotes in Nothing to Envy

The Nothing to Envy quotes below are all either spoken by The Korean War or refer to The Korean War. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Propaganda, Misinformation, Deception, and Control Theme Icon
Chapter 4 Quotes

The propaganda machine launched a new campaign, playing up Korean pride by recalling a largely apocryphal fable from 1938-39 in which Kim Il-sung commanded a small band of anti-Japanese guerrillas "fighting against thousands of enemies in 20 degrees below zero, braving through a heavy snowfall and starvation." […] The Arduous March, as they called it, would later become a metaphor for the famine. […] Enduring hunger became part of one's patriotic duty. Billboards went up in Pyongyang touting the new slogan, "Let's Ear Two Meals a Day." North Korean television ran a documentary about a man whose stomach burst, it was claimed, from eating too much rice.

Related Characters: Barbara Demick (speaker), Kim Il-sung
Related Symbols: Television
Page Number: 69-70
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Korean War Term Timeline in Nothing to Envy

The timeline below shows where the term The Korean War appears in Nothing to Envy. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Isolationism and Self-Reliance Theme Icon
Surveillance, Trust, and Relationships Theme Icon
Scarcity, Starvation, and Desperation Theme Icon
...throughout the country, built largely in the 1960s and 1970s following the destruction of the Korean War , is made of cement block and limestone. Apartment high-rises in the cities are common,... (full context)