Saint Joan


George Bernard Shaw

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English Soldier Character Analysis

An English soldier who gives Joan a makeshift cross made of two twigs while she burns at the stake. His soul is damned, but this act of generosity toward Joan allows him one day off from hell. He appears again in the Epilogue and comforts Joan after the others have abandoned her, though he, too, must leave when the clock strikes midnight and his break from damnation ends.
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English Soldier Character Timeline in Saint Joan

The timeline below shows where the character English Soldier appears in Saint Joan. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Scene 6
Institutions and the Corruption of Integrity Theme Icon
...thereafter by Chaplain de Stogumber, who is sobbing. The Chaplain explains that he watched an English soldier give Joan a cross made of two sticks tied together after she requested one. He... (full context)
Institutions and the Corruption of Integrity Theme Icon
The clock strikes and the apparition of an English soldier appears, singing a rough, “improvised tune.” The soldier, a “saint,” has come “straight from hell.”... (full context)
Institutions and the Corruption of Integrity Theme Icon
Sanity vs. Madness  Theme Icon
The Quest for Personal Knowledge  Theme Icon
The soldier is the last character to go. He tries to comfort Joan, asserting that all those... (full context)