Six of Crows

Six of Crows


Leigh Bardugo

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Six of Crows: Chapter 43: Nina Summary & Analysis

An hour after dawn, Nina is in excruciating pain. As her body starts to tremble, she asks Matthias to leave—she doesn’t want him to see her like this, and she knows it’ll get worse. But she refuses to take regular jurda, which Kuwei thought might help, and she makes Matthias promise not to give her more parem. He says he won’t let her die, and Nina notes that she would’ve gladly killed all the drüskelle. Matthias notes that they all have sins, and Nina has “to live so [he] can atone for [his].” Nina says she’s not sorry and asks him to stay with her until the end.
Nina implies here that perhaps she should die, since she was willing to take so many lives when she had the chance. This remorse stands in stark contrast to, say, Brum’s lack thereof—he tortures Grisha for fun and has killed hundreds, and he seems to be able to sleep just fine at night. Again, this points to Nina’s humanity and compassion.
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