Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Kwame Alexander's The Crossover. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
The Crossover: Introduction
The Crossover: Plot Summary
The Crossover: Detailed Summary & Analysis
The Crossover: Themes
The Crossover: Quotes
The Crossover: Characters
The Crossover: Symbols
The Crossover: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Kwame Alexander

Historical Context of The Crossover
Other Books Related to The Crossover
- Full Title: The Crossover
- When Written: 2009-2014
- Where Written: Unknown
- When Published: 2014
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Young Adult Novel; Verse Novel
- Setting: An unnamed town in the U.S.
- Climax: Dad dies during the championship game
- Antagonist: Hypertension and death; change
- Point of View: First-person
Extra Credit for The Crossover
Poetry: It Works! Alexander has said that he became aware of the power of poetry when he used it to successfully woo his wife in college.
Reluctant Readers. In interviews, Alexander has been open about the fact that when he was in middle school, he wasn't at all interested in reading. He rediscovered his love of reading by devouring an autobiography of Muhammad Ali, and this experience provided him with the road map for his novels like The Crossover: he hopes that by combining sports with books that are easy and fast to read, he can help convert other young reluctant readers and show them that books can be fun.