The Disappearing Spoon

The Disappearing Spoon


Sam Kean

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The Disappearing Spoon: Chapter 18: Tools of Ridiculous Precision Summary & Analysis

National bureaus of standards and measurement tend to attract the most meticulous people alive. There is one in most countries—the U.S. institute is known as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The scientists who work at this institution believe that measurement doesn’t just facilitate science, but is “a science itself.” The global standards bureau—which sets the standards for other bureaus—is located in Paris. The kind of role they are tasked with is, for example, measuring a kilogram to a wildly specific degree. The International Prototype Kilogram housed there must be so precise that it cannot even be scratched or gather a single dust, lest that changes its mass. Ideally, it would not lose “a single atom.” 
Most non-experts probably assume that precision is important to science, yet few lay people have likely ever thought about how science maintains this precision. In this chapter, Kean pulls back the curtain, and in doing so, he reminds the reader of the huge amount of effort, care, and near-obsession to detail that characterizes the scientific field.
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The U.S. has its own standard kilogram, which at the time of writing will soon have to be meticulously brought (as hand luggage) to Paris to be measured against the kilogram there. Recently, scientists have been noticing something strange: the Paris kilogram has been losing about half a microgram (equivalent to a fingerprint) of mass per year. No one can explain why. Part of the reason why scientific measurements need to be so exact is so experiments can be replicated as precisely as possible across the world. The fact that the official kilogram is mysteriously shrinking is considered a serious (and embarrassing) problem.
The image of a (perhaps deeply serious) employee from the NIST carrying a special kilogram as hand luggage in an airport is rather comic. However, this passage also brings up an extremely important mystery regarding the kilogram. Again, this interplay of whimsy with a more serious problem emphasizes the wide-ranging human concerns and emotions that often pertain to science.
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Somewhat similarly, the length of each Earth day is increasing very gradually, thanks to the effect of the tide on Earth’s rotation. In order to adjust to this issue in the most precise way possible, the U.S. has started using an atomic clock, which bases its measurement of time on electrons. The atom they use for the atomic clock is called cesium, which has “heavy, lumbering atoms.” While this has led to a standard of precision unlike anything humanity has had before, Kean suggests that there is something poetic lost in no longer relying on the stars and seasons as the tool for measuring time.
The fact that the length of each Earth day is gradually increasing is an important reminder that every form of measurement we have is an invention and an approximation, even if it corresponds to the natural world. No matter how hard people try, it is impossible for humans to ever achieve anything close to a fully precise framework with which to measure the world around us.
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“Fundamental constants” refers to pure abstract numbers that never change, like pi or the mass of a kilogram. The “fine structure constant” is a measurement the tightness of the connection between electrons and the nucleus. In the scientific community, it is simply called alpha. This number is extremely important to physicists, because without it atoms couldn’t exist. In 1976, a Soviet scientist named Alexander Shlyakhter studied the only organic nuclear fission reactor in the known universe, Oklo, and concluded that alpha was actually getting bigger. For a long time, there was a lot of wild speculation about Oklo, including that it was evidence of a past alien invasion.
The material in this chapter is among the most wacky yet challenging in the whole book, despite—or perhaps because—it concerns some of the most fundamental questions facing humankind. Most nonexperts will likely have never heard of alpha before. Yet it is one of the most fundamental and important principles in the universe.
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However, by measuring the elements at the site, scientists were able to see that it was instead simply an extraordinary natural nuclear reactor. Uranium was slowed down by the river water at the site, which allowed reactions to take place where they ordinarily wouldn’t have. Studying Oklo, Shlyakhter speculated that the relative lack of samarium produced at the site meant that in the past, alpha must have been ever so slightly smaller. Many scientists have disputed this, unwilling to believe that alpha, a fundamental constant, could change. The debate continues and it will probably be difficult to ever explain the discrepancy at Oklo with absolute certainty.  
The fact that a natural nuclear reactor exists is hard to believe—although it’s perhaps easier than believing Oklo is the site of a past alien invasion, depending on one’s perspective. It is extraordinary that something ordinarily associated with the very latest and most expensive advances in scientific technology has a natural equivalent that was simply waiting to be found.
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In the universe, there are black holes called quasars which destroy other stars and in doing so produce light. A group of Australian scientists studied how some ancient quasar light passed through space dust in order to test if it’s possible that alpha could have changed. Provocatively, they concluded that the evidence does indeed indicate that alpha may have changed (albeit by only 0.001 percent across 10 billion years). Despite the very low degree by which this change is thought to have taken place, the idea that it might have changed at all has been revolutionary for scientists. If alpha changed, Einsteinian physics would have to be replaced with a totally new paradigm (just as Einstein’s theories displaced those of Isaac Newton). It could also transform the search for alien life.
In this passage, Kean finally reveals why the possibility that alpha could be changing, even by only the most mild and gradual degree, is so revolutionary. Indeed, if proven true it would essentially turn the principles of science on their head and lead scientists to have to devise a whole new set of ideas about how the universe operates. However, if this sounds implausible, Kean reminds the reader that it has actually already happened before—when Einstein’s theories displaced those of Newton.
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Enrico Fermi may have featured some unfortunate incidents—winning a Nobel Prize for a discovery he didn’t actually make, dying of beryllium poisoning—but his legacy is a positive one due to the fact that he was the last major scientists who spanned the experimental and theoretical sides of the profession. He had a “devilishly quick mind” and a fondness for posing eccentric questions. However, Fermi was deeply troubled by one of the most fundamental questions facing humanity: considering the size of the universe and the fact that earth is actually a rather ordinary planet, where are the aliens? This question came to be known as “Fermi’s paradox.” 
Even non-expert readers may have heard of Fermi’s paradox, which is often cited in the media and popular literature because it so universally fascinating. More than that, it is easy to understand, although this does not mean it is easy to solve.
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In 1961, the astrophysicist Frank Drake developed the Drake Equation, which suggested that given the size and properties of the universe, there are about 10 “sociable civilizations” in our galaxy alone. Of course, this is only a guess even if it is based on scientific research. Nowadays, scientists at least know that they don’t need to witness civilizations directly through a telescope in order to know they are there. They can use other methods such as searching for magnesium, which is a byproduct of the creation of all life-forms known to humanity.
The Drake Equation is on the one hand useful and thought-provoking, but in another sense totally meaningless. Drake’s calculations usefully show how much life humanity should expect to perceive in the universe. Yet considering that humans have no evidence of any other life, surely another explanation is necessary.
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The only problem with these methods is that they depend on the notion that the same scientific laws that govern our existence are also true across the universe. If alpha has changed over time, it is possible that earth—despite being unremarkable in many ways—really is unique in having conditions that could produce life. Currently, most scientists don’t favor this view, instead maintaining that there are most likely other life-forms in the universe—and probably an enormous number of them. Of course, until a scientist finds proof of alien life, there is simply no way to know for sure.
The question of alien existence might be one of the truly irresolvable scientific problems facing humanity. After all as humans develop further knowledge about the universe and many calculations are made about the likelihood of alien existence, only finding concrete evidence that aliens do exist will solve the problem (seeing as there is no way to definitively prove that they don’t exist). 
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