The Disappearing Spoon

The Disappearing Spoon


Sam Kean

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King Midas Character Analysis

A character from Greek mythology who was based on a real king. In the myth, a satyr gives King Midas the ability to turn anything he touches into gold—which Midas soon realizes is more of a curse. It is believed that the myth originates in the fact that the real King Midas lived near an abundant source of brass, which people may have mistaken for gold.
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King Midas Character Timeline in The Disappearing Spoon

The timeline below shows where the character King Midas appears in The Disappearing Spoon. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 13: Elements as Money
Storytelling and Science Theme Icon
Nature vs. Culture Theme Icon
Science for Good vs. for Evil Theme Icon
The Expansion and Limits of Human Knowledge Theme Icon
...the issue of counterfeiting has been a major concern. In the Ancient Greek myth about Midas, the king asked a satyr to give him the power to turn everything he touched... (full context)