The Fountainhead

The Fountainhead


Ayn Rand

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Fountainhead makes teaching easy.

Dwight Carson Character Analysis

Wynand believes that people, as a rule, lack integrity and sets out to prove this by “breaking” supposedly honorable people. Dwight Carson is Wynand’s first victim. He is a respected young intellectual who preaches individualism. Wynand hires him and forces him to write articles for the Banner on the virtues of collectivism. Carson complies, but becomes an alcoholic.
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Dwight Carson Character Timeline in The Fountainhead

The timeline below shows where the character Dwight Carson appears in The Fountainhead. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3: Chapter 1
Integrity vs. Conformity Theme Icon
Wynand took great pleasure in breaking people who thought they possessed integrity. It began with Dwight Carson , a young writer who praised individualism. Wynand hired him and forced him to write... (full context)
Part 4: Chapter 4
Integrity vs. Conformity Theme Icon
Rationality vs. Emotion Theme Icon
Love and Selfishness Theme Icon
...what Dominique thought of him, and she is angry and says Roark reminds her of Dwight Carson . Wynand asks her to forget Dwight Carson. (full context)