The Little Prince


Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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The Little Prince: Chapter 6 Summary & Analysis

The little prince says that he is very fond of sunsets and suggests that he and the pilot go watch the sunset. The pilot says that they will have to wait for it, and the little prince, surprised, laughs and says that he keeps thinking he is home. Because the little prince's planet is so small, he can watch multiple sunsets a day simply by walking to a new position on the planet. The little prince claims that he once saw the sun set forty-four times in a day. A bit later he also says that one loves the sunset when one is sad, but he doesn't answer the pilot when he asks whether the little prince was very sad on the day of forty-four sunsets.
The little prince again mentions his faraway origins. The narrator is becoming more understanding, quickly making a connection between the tiny size of asteroid B-612 and the abundance of sunsets on the little prince's planet. As the pilot talks more and figuratively explores with the little prince, the pilot becomes more open to making connections between Earth and other planets.
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