The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera


Gaston Leroux

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Professor Valerius’s wife, benefactress of the Daaé family, plays an important part in Christine’s upbringing. A kind, caring woman and a lover of music, she treats Christine like her own daughter and encourages her to develop her artistic skills. After Professor Valerius and Christine’s father die, Mme Valerius lives with Christine in Paris, and it is to please her that Christine, though unmotivated, pursues her musical studies. Mme Valerius proves just as likely as Christine to believe in fairytales, and Raoul concludes that she is a credulous old woman who has had a negative impact on Christine’s life, encouraging Christine to believe in the supernatural. When Raoul and Christine run away at the end of the novel, Mme Valerius vanishes as well, suggesting that she is probably happily living with them.
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Mme Valerius Character Timeline in The Phantom of the Opera

The timeline below shows where the character Mme Valerius appears in The Phantom of the Opera. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
Love vs. Jealousy Theme Icon
Beauty vs. Ugliness Theme Icon
...daughter with him to Gothenburg then to Paris. There, Christine pursued her musical education, and Mme Valerius treated her as a daughter. Christine’s father, however, was so homesick that he barely left... (full context)
Chapter 9
The Natural vs. the Supernatural Theme Icon
Violence, Revenge, and Redemption Theme Icon
...Christine is the victim of some mysterious person or phenomenon, Raoul determines to go see Mme Valerius , with whom Christine lives. (full context)
The Natural vs. the Supernatural Theme Icon
Love vs. Jealousy Theme Icon
When Raoul enters Mme Valerius ’s bedroom, where she is stuck in bed, she greets him warmly and tells him... (full context)
The Natural vs. the Supernatural Theme Icon
...state, as Christine has lived for so long with a lady prone to fanciful ideas. Mme Valerius then tells Raoul that Christine has been receiving lessons from the Angel of Music for... (full context)
Chapter 11
The Natural vs. the Supernatural Theme Icon
Love vs. Jealousy Theme Icon
Violence, Revenge, and Redemption Theme Icon
The next day, Raoul goes to ask Mme Valerius about what has happened. He is startled to see Christine by the old woman’s bedside.... (full context)
The Natural vs. the Supernatural Theme Icon day go in search of them and hear Christine sing. He also notes that Mme Valerius disappeared around the same time. (full context)