The Pigman


Paul Zindel

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Pigman makes teaching easy.

Miss Reillen Character Analysis

Miss. Reillen is the school librarian. She’s apparently somewhat overweight but wears tight dresses anyway. While John mocks her for this (which today’s readers may find especially cruel and uncalled for), Lorraine has more empathy and tries to imagine reasons why Miss Reillen might dress the way she does—for instance, perhaps Miss Reillen gained weight but can’t afford to buy new clothing.
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Miss Reillen Character Timeline in The Pigman

The timeline below shows where the character Miss Reillen appears in The Pigman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Oath
Personal Responsibility  Theme Icon
...only the facts about our experiences with Mr. Angelo Pignati.” They note that the librarian, Miss Reillen (whom they call “the Cricket”), is watching their every move and thinks they’re using the... (full context)
Chapter 1
Compassion  Theme Icon
Next, the narrator (John) explains why he calls Miss Reillen the Cricket. She’s a little plump but wears tight skirts anyway, and so her nylons... (full context)
Chapter 2
Family  Theme Icon
Compassion  Theme Icon
Like with Miss Reillen . She’s really a nice lady. And it’s true that her clothes are too tight,... (full context)