Mak Quotes in The Second Shepherd’s Play
Let be! I’m a yeoman of the king / And a messenger from a great lordling / …I must have reverence! / Dare you ask, who am I?
Manus tuas commendo / Pontio Pilato.
I am worthy of my meat, / For in a trice I can get / More than they who strive and sweat / All the day long.
Were a worse plight, I’d find a way still.
Oh, my belly! I die! / I vow to God so mild / If ever I you beguiled / Then I will eat this child / That doth in cradle lie!
Sirs, for this deed, take my advice instead / For this trespass. / We will neither curse not fight / Nor dispute our right / We’ll tie him up tight / And toss him in canvas.
Thou hast cowed at last the devil so wild / The false beguiler now goes beguiled.

Mak Quotes in The Second Shepherd’s Play
Let be! I’m a yeoman of the king / And a messenger from a great lordling / …I must have reverence! / Dare you ask, who am I?
Manus tuas commendo / Pontio Pilato.
I am worthy of my meat, / For in a trice I can get / More than they who strive and sweat / All the day long.
Were a worse plight, I’d find a way still.
Oh, my belly! I die! / I vow to God so mild / If ever I you beguiled / Then I will eat this child / That doth in cradle lie!
Sirs, for this deed, take my advice instead / For this trespass. / We will neither curse not fight / Nor dispute our right / We’ll tie him up tight / And toss him in canvas.
Thou hast cowed at last the devil so wild / The false beguiler now goes beguiled.