The Thing Around Your Neck


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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Ikenna Okoro Character Analysis

In "Ghosts," Ikenna was an activist and a friend of James Nwoye at Nsukka in the 1960s. He fought for progressive issues and was extremely passionate about his work. He was, however, disappointingly unattractive. James believed that Ikenna died when the Nigerian army invaded Nsukka, but Ikenna escaped to Sweden and remained politically active in Europe. He seems somewhat tempered in his old age, but still cares about tackling government corruption.

Ikenna Okoro Quotes in The Thing Around Your Neck

The The Thing Around Your Neck quotes below are all either spoken by Ikenna Okoro or refer to Ikenna Okoro. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Women, Marriage, and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Ghosts Quotes

But I am a Western-educated man, a retired mathematics professor of seventy-one, and I am supposed to have armed myself with enough science to laugh indulgently at the ways of my people.

Related Characters: Professor James Nwoye (speaker), Ikenna Okoro
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:
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Ikenna Okoro Quotes in The Thing Around Your Neck

The The Thing Around Your Neck quotes below are all either spoken by Ikenna Okoro or refer to Ikenna Okoro. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Women, Marriage, and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Ghosts Quotes

But I am a Western-educated man, a retired mathematics professor of seventy-one, and I am supposed to have armed myself with enough science to laugh indulgently at the ways of my people.

Related Characters: Professor James Nwoye (speaker), Ikenna Okoro
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis: