White Fang


Jack London

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Barks, Growls, and Howls Symbol Analysis

Barks, Growls, and Howls Symbol Icon
White Fang expresses his feelings through barks, growls, and howls. Though White Fang often snarls at his humans and animals adversaries, he develops a low and steady growl to show affection towards Scott and his family. White Fang howls when he mourns over something, like the empty Indian camp, or Scott's departure from the Klondike. Finally, White Fang barks when his master is in danger and needs help.
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Barks, Growls, and Howls Symbol Timeline in White Fang

The timeline below shows where the symbol Barks, Growls, and Howls appears in White Fang. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 5, Chapter 4
Mastery Theme Icon
Domestication Theme Icon
White Fang also learns how to bark. While riding in the pasture one day, Scott's horse stumbles over a jackrabbit and breaks... (full context)