2001: A Space Odyssey


Arthur C. Clarke

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2001: A Space Odyssey: Chapter 22 Summary & Analysis

Poole puts on his personal pressure suit and enters “Betty,” one of the ship’s three space pods. Assisted by Hal, Poole ejects from the ship. Though he’s completely untethered from Discovery, the risk of being stranded is low; the pod has its own propulsion system, and Bowman can always rescue him. Poole repairs a minor collision crater on the ship’s hull, then carefully navigates to the AE-35 unit. Though the unit is designed for easy replacement, doing so means leaving the space pod. Bowman double checks the procedure and gives Poole the go-ahead. Poole hands over control of Betty to Hal—a standard safety measure—and Poole slowly leaves the pod, his safety line trailing behind him.
This scene illustrates the incredible diligence and collaborative ability of the Discovery One’s crew. Despite the dangerous nature of his task, Poole approaches his job calmly and level-headedly, a testament to his rigorous training and personal bravery, as well as his deep trust in his crewmates. Hal, controlling “Betty,” is there to guide him the whole time, and he knows, should he get into trouble, that Bowman will rescue him.
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Poole retrieves the spare AE-35 unit from the space pod, then pushes off towards the original unit. Landing near the unit, he asks Hal to remotely control Betty to give him better light for his repair. Using the tools from his belt, Poole unbolts the metal hatch and locates the AE-35 unit. Before replacing it, he asks Bowman to cut power to the antenna so as to reduce the risk of the antenna swiveling and hitting him upon disconnecting the AE-35 unit. Poole replaces the AE-35 unit, and Bowman returns power to the system. Hal carries out failure prediction tests and confirms the unit is operational. Poole returns to the spaceship, confident the problem has been resolved. However, he is mistaken. 
Poole completes his retrieval of the AE-35 unit without any incident. This speaks to his technical abilities as a technician, as well as his calm and collected demeanor. Though much of his daily work aboard the ship is mundane, and likely accomplishable by Hal, moments like these reveal the true value of the humans on a mission like this one. When it comes to trouble-shooting complex technical issues, humans still outperform machines.
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