2001: A Space Odyssey


Arthur C. Clarke

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David Bowman (The Star-Child)

David Bowman is the first mate of the Discovery One. For much of the novel, Bowman is unaware of the ship’s true purpose: to investigate Iapetus for signs of alien life. However, after Halread analysis of David Bowman (The Star-Child)


HAL 9000, the onboard artificial intelligence computer of Discovery One, is a sophisticated and supposedly infallible computer program designed to operate the ship and communicate with its occupants. Apart from his robotic personality, Hal… read analysis of Hal


Moon-Watcher is a man-ape in prehistoric Africa. Starving alongside his tribe, he relies on meager scavenged berries for sustenance while facing nightly predator threats. Despite signs of dawning intelligence in Moon-Watcher, harsh conditions impede their… read analysis of Moon-Watcher

Heywood Floyd

Heywood Floyd serves as the Chairman of the National Council of Astronauts, entrusted by the U.S. President to investigate the recently discovered TMA-1. During his journey from Earth to the moon, Floyd marvels at… read analysis of Heywood Floyd

Frank Poole

Frank Poole is the second in command of Discovery One. Like his crewmate, David Bowman, Poole was chosen for his cool head and wide range of skills; also like Bowman, Poole is unaware… read analysis of Frank Poole
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One-Ear is the leader of the Others, the rival tribe to Moon-Watcher’s. At the outset of the novel, he and Moon-Watcher’s tribes, while confrontational, are unable to do real harm to one another. This… read analysis of One-Ear

Dr. Dimitri Moisevitch

Dr. Dimitri Moisevitch, a tall, blonde man, is one of Dr. Heywood Floyd’s closest friends. Due to Dimitri’s work in the U.S.S.R. Academy of Science, Floyd, an American, is unable to share details pertaining to… read analysis of Dr. Dimitri Moisevitch

The Weaver

The weaver is one of the aliens responsible for creating the original monoliths. Having transcended his material form, he now exists in the form of radiation. When Bowman encounters the weaver’s mind during his… read analysis of The Weaver

Ralph Halvorsen

Ralph Halvorsen is the Administrator of the Southern Province of the moon. As such, he oversees the Clavius Base and all its outgoing missions, including those to Tycho Crater, the site of TMA-1. More… read analysis of Ralph Halvorsen
Minor Characters
Diana Halvorsen
Diana Halvorsen is the daughter of Ralph Halvorsen. Born on the moon, her body has adapted to the lower gravity; her bones are lighter and her figure longer and slighter.
Nick Miller
Mr. Miller is a security officer assigned to Dr. Heywood Floyd aboard Space Station One.
Mr. Chandra
Dr. Chandra is Hal’s first instructor. As he is being disconnected, Hal explains to Bowman how Dr. Chandra taught him to sing “Daisy.”
Miss Simmons (The Stewardess)
Miss Simmons is the flight attendant for Heywood Floyd aboard the Orion III spacecraft, most notable for her Velcro shoes.
Dr. Roy Michaels 
Dr. Roy Michaels is the Chief Scientist of the Clavius Base.
Dr. Simonson 
Dr. Simonson is the Chief Programmer at Mission Control.
Whitehead is one of the astronauts in hibernation killed when Hal depressurizes the ship’s cabin.
Kaminsky is one of the astronauts in hibernation killed when Hal depressurizes the ship’s cabin.
Hunter is one of the astronauts in hibernation killed when Hal depressurizes the ship’s cabin.