Al Capone Does My Shirts

Al Capone Does My Shirts


Gennifer Choldenko

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Al Capone Does My Shirts: Chapter 33: The Sun and the Moon Summary & Analysis

Mom’s nerves seem to fray in the weeks before Natalie’s interview, especially since Natalie’s birthday is the day before the interview. Mom goes back and forth about whether they should celebrate it at all and what they should do, but she always decides they should have a small party, as usual. On Natalie’s birthday, Mom reminds Moose about the interview, says Natalie can have as much button time and cake as she wants, and considers staying home. Moose asks if she’ll stay, but Mom says that Moose is better with Natalie and promises to be home early.
Mom’s behavior on Natalie’s birthday is extremely significant. Letting Natalie have buttons and cake suggests she realizes neither of those things are actually holding Natalie back in a meaningful way—they help her cope and manage. And acknowledging that Moose is better with Natalie is huge, as it suggests Mom is beginning to respect Moose’s relationship with his sister.
Disability, Dignity, and Shared Humanity Theme Icon
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Natalie is drawing moons in her room when Mom leaves. This is a new fascination; she’s never been interested in the moon or in drawing. Moose settles in with a book when he hears pounding on the door. The sound makes Natalie freeze and dig her chin into her collarbone. She can’t get upset, so Moose opens the door. It’s Piper, and he tells her to go away. But Piper insists on coming inside and saying happy birthday to Natalie. Piper does so, and Natalie responds by repeating “Piper”—repeating words like this is something she hasn’t done in a long time. Piper then leaves, and Moose realizes he wishes she was still here.
As usual, Piper manages to toe the line between being kind and obnoxious: she’s pretty clearly pestering Moose, but it’s nice of her to want to wish Natalie a happy birthday. This highlights how integrated in the Alcatraz community Natalie has become, as it’s implied that having anyone outside the family acknowledge Natalie’s birthday is new.
Friendship and Community Theme Icon
Family Theme Icon
Natalie draws for another half hour while Moose reads, but then she begins ripping up her drawings and her eyes “storm over.” Moose tries to distract her with lemon cake, but he can almost see her losing control. He screams that they can go outside, and Natalie follows, clearly trying to fight the tantrum. Piper finds them on the parade grounds and joins the walk. Natalie heads toward the stairs and angrily shakes Moose off when he tries to stop her. She also refuses to look at rocks. She’s heading for where they used to look for baseballs, and Piper says Natalie just wants to say goodbye.
Significantly, Natalie is able to “fight” the tantrum by getting outside, onto Alcatraz, which Moose once saw as a prison. What also helps her is what’s implied will come next: a final meeting with 105, whom Natalie now hasn’t seen in a week or more. Natalie is essentially asserting her independence here. She has friends beyond Moose and Piper, and she’s going to see them, no matter what it takes.
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Growing Up and Doing the Right Thing Theme Icon
Piper puts a hand on Moose’s arm, and they watch as Natalie happily greets 105. He warmly asks how she’s been and says he didn’t think he’d see her before she leaves. He takes her hands, and Moose whispers that Natalie hates holding hands. The sight is both disturbing and normal—Natalie is 16 and holding hands with a man who isn’t much older.
Moose struggles to make sense of the scene before him. He’s so used to seeing Natalie as a child that it’s strange to see her, suddenly, as a normal 16-year-old girl holding hands with a man. But that is what she is, and now, Moose must fully accept that Natalie isn’t a little girl.
Growing Up and Doing the Right Thing Theme Icon
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