East of Eden

East of Eden


John Steinbeck

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Faye is the owner of the whorehouse that Catherine eventually takes over. Faye is a lonely woman, and Catherine manipulates Faye into thinking of her as a daughter. Faye trusts Catherine, and writes her into her will. When Catherine discovers this, she slowly poisons Faye, successfully killing her and inheriting the business.
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Faye Character Timeline in East of Eden

The timeline below shows where the character Faye appears in East of Eden. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 19
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Loneliness Theme Icon
Money, Wealth, and the Value of Work Theme Icon
There are three whorehouses in Salinas—one of which is run by a motherly-type woman named Faye. Her house becomes a refuge for adolescent boys who are eager to lose some of... (full context)
Chapter 20
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Loneliness Theme Icon
One afternoon Faye begs Kate to give up her work—she offers to give Kate a home and a... (full context)
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Loneliness Theme Icon
That night Kate tells the girls not to come in to see Faye at all—for Faye is quite ill, but wants to keep it a secret. The Girls... (full context)
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Loneliness Theme Icon
Money, Wealth, and the Value of Work Theme Icon
Faye then tells Kate she is going to give her a present now. Faye takes out... (full context)
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Loneliness Theme Icon
Kate’s filters and defenses break down. She begins to spit cruel insults at Faye, calling her fat and ugly and stupid, and forcing Faye to drink more and more... (full context)
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Loneliness Theme Icon
Kate begins to sober up and a feeling of dread comes over her. Kate puts Faye in her bed and undresses her Then she takes a cloth soaked in ammonia and... (full context)
Chapter 21
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
...to execute her plans, with characteristic slowness and patience. She spreads around the news of Faye’s will to everyone in the house, then blames the cook for letting this secret out.... (full context)
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
That night at supper Kate fixes Faye a meal of canned string bean salad. She mixes two drops from one of her... (full context)
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
Kate goes in to see Faye, calling her mother, and stroking her check. She then puts some liquid from a small... (full context)
Chapter 40
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
...back to the time shortly after she had collected Charles’ inheritance. An old employee of Faye’s, named Ethyl, had come to see her. She told Kate she’d found bottles buried in... (full context)
Chapter 50
Good, Evil, and the Human Soul Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
...says he’s heard a rumor that Ethyl is around telling stories about some woman named Faye. But Kate sees through him. She sends him away, and after he leaves she writes... (full context)