Girl in Translation


Jean Kwok

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Luke Character Analysis

Luke is a boy in Kim's first class who's known for bullying and fighting, something he's especially good at given that he's been held back several years and is much bigger than his classmates. He challenges Kim to a fight several months after she begins school, an invitation she interprets at face value, and kicks him hard during their fight. Later, she discovers that Luke was actually courting her when she watches Luke's "fights" with another girl devolve into kissing. He stops bullying her after she kicks him.
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Luke Character Timeline in Girl in Translation

The timeline below shows where the character Luke appears in Girl in Translation. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Independence and Coming of Age Theme Icon
The school bully, Luke, had begun staring at Kim in February. He stares at her for months until finally,... (full context)
Independence and Coming of Age Theme Icon
The Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
...nervous enough to vomit. A circle of kids forms outside the school with Kim and Luke in the center. He's twice her size. Kim begins to curse quietly in Chinese as... (full context)
Work vs. Education Theme Icon
Independence and Coming of Age Theme Icon
The Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
...Kim to her office. Kim is terrified that she'll be punished for her fight with Luke, as Mrs. LaGuardia motions for Kim to sit. Kim can barely understand as Mrs. LaGuardia... (full context)
Independence and Coming of Age Theme Icon
When Kim comes back from Mrs. LaGuardia's office, Luke begins challenging her to fights every day. Another girl starts standing up for Kim and... (full context)
Independence and Coming of Age Theme Icon
The Immigrant Experience Theme Icon so. Instead, she asks Matt for help. She tells Matt about her fight with Luke and he suggests that maybe Greg also has a crush on her. Kim waits until... (full context)