Heart of a Dog


Mikhail Bulgakov

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Darya Petrovna Ivanova Character Analysis

Darya Petrovna is Prof. Preobrazhensky’s talented cook. She befriends Sharik the dog, but gets sexually assaulted in the night by Sharikov the man. Her relationship with Prof. Preobrazhensky is close but occasionally strained—for instance, she occasionally leaks information about his experiments to the press and lets curious citizens into his apartment. For the most part, however, she is a loyal servant, like Fyodor and Zina.
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Darya Petrovna Ivanova Character Timeline in Heart of a Dog

The timeline below shows where the character Darya Petrovna Ivanova appears in Heart of a Dog. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Social Class and Hierarchy Theme Icon
Science, Nature, and Morality Theme Icon
Next, Sharik starts visiting the kitchen. The cook, Darya Petrovna, initially kicks him out. But she soon takes a liking to him and starts... (full context)
Chapter 5
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Science, Nature, and Morality Theme Icon
Dignity, Loyalty, and Respect Theme Icon
...may be hiding a Martian, and another publishes a photo of a violin-playing infant that Darya Petrovna stole from the professor. Shvonder has assembled the house committee. (full context)
Chapter 6
Social Class and Hierarchy Theme Icon
...tie and shoes. Sharik explains that the kitchen is more comfortable. He also says that Darya gifted him the tie, and he wanted the same glossy patent leather shoes as all... (full context)
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Social Class and Hierarchy Theme Icon
Science, Nature, and Morality Theme Icon
...kitchen and asks to see “the talking dog,” but Philip kicks her out and scolds Darya for letting her in. Darya complains that there are too many visitors, and Dr. Bormenthal... (full context)
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Dignity, Loyalty, and Respect Theme Icon
Bormenthal, Darya, and Zina press a rug against the bottom of the flooded bathroom door to keep... (full context)
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Dignity, Loyalty, and Respect Theme Icon
Zina, Darya, Sharikov, and Fyodor clean the floors while Bormenthal sends the patients home under the pretext... (full context)
Chapter 8
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Dignity, Loyalty, and Respect Theme Icon
When they open the door, Philip and Bormenthal see Darya Petrovna in her nightgown, angrily dragging the drunk, naked Sharikov behind her. She says he... (full context)
Chapter 9
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
...that Sharikov left in the morning with his coat and a stolen bottle of alcohol. Darya and Zina say they hope he never comes back. Three days later, Philip sends the... (full context)
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Dignity, Loyalty, and Respect Theme Icon
Furiously, Bormenthal grabs Sharikov by the throat and orders him to ask Zina and Darya Petrovna for forgiveness. Sharikov pretends to agree, tries and fails to call out for help,... (full context)
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Science, Nature, and Morality Theme Icon
...Philip is sick and visiting hours are cancelled. Covered in blood, Bormenthal asks Zina and Darya Petrovna to stay home, and he locks all the doors. That night, the apartment is... (full context)
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Science, Nature, and Morality Theme Icon
...visit Philip to search his apartment. An embarrassed policeman admits that Philip, Bormenthal, Zina, and Darya are suspected of murdering Sharikov. Philip claims not to understand and asks if “Sharikov” is... (full context)