Heart of a Dog


Mikhail Bulgakov

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The balalaika is a popular guitar-like Russian folk instrument. read analysis of Balalaika


The Bolsheviks were the communist militants, led by Vladimir Lenin, who took power during the Russian Revolution. After the Revolution, the Bolsheviks formed the Communist Party and governed the Soviet Union as a one-party state. read analysis of Bolsheviks

Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is a small gland in the human brain that controls hormone secretion and regulates important processes like growth, metabolism, and energy. Philip transplants the criminal Klim’s pituitary gland into… read analysis of Pituitary Gland


In Marxism (and Soviet Russia), the proletariat is the working class, often opposed to the wealthy elite, or bourgeoisie. read analysis of Proletariat


Rejuvenation is the reversal of aging, which scientists, philosophers, and explorers have pursued since ancient times with little success. read analysis of Rejuvenation
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