Heart of a Dog


Mikhail Bulgakov

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Fyodor is the doorman at Prof. Preobrazhensky’s building. Notably, he climbs through the window to turn off the faucet after Sharikov floods Preobrazhensky’s bathroom and helps resolve disputes between Sharikov and the neighbors. Like Zina and Darya Petrovna, he is loyal and decent, and he represents the best of the proletariat.
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Fyodor Character Timeline in Heart of a Dog

The timeline below shows where the character Fyodor appears in Heart of a Dog. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Social Class and Hierarchy Theme Icon
...offers Sharik another piece of sausage. At first, Sharik is afraid of the building’s doorman (Fyodor), but when the gentleman invites him inside, Sharik is delighted and comments that doormen are... (full context)
Chapter 6
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Dignity, Loyalty, and Respect Theme Icon
...the bottom of the flooded bathroom door to keep the water inside, while the doorman Fyodor climbs through the window with a candle to stop the faucet. He comes out and... (full context)
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
Dignity, Loyalty, and Respect Theme Icon
Zina, Darya, Sharikov, and Fyodor clean the floors while Bormenthal sends the patients home under the pretext that Philip has... (full context)
Chapter 8
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
...and came home drunk, bringing two random men he wanted to move into the apartment. Fyodor kicked these men out, but not before they stole Philip’s expensive ashtray, hat, and cane.... (full context)
Chapter 9
Revolution and Regression  Theme Icon
...know where Sharikov is, but complains that he stole money from the house committee. And Fyodor can’t find any trace of him. They learn that Sharikov left in the morning with... (full context)