Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard


Kiran Desai

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Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard: Chapter 2 Summary & Analysis

Twenty years after his auspicious birth, Sampath tosses and turns in the bedroom of the same house he was born in. This is the house’s only bedroom, so there’s nothing between him and the loud snores of his mother Kulfi, his father Mr. Chawla, his grandmother Ammaji, and his younger sister Pinky. The noisy fan overhead fails to cool off Sampath as he feels hot, sweaty, and restless in his bed. After trying and failing to find a more comfortable position, he lies down on the hard floor and spreads out, desperate to cool off and fall asleep. He feels that his family is being careless and inconsiderate with their snoring, but he tries not to lose his temper. Eventually, he drags himself out of the hot, stuffy room and makes his way to the roof.
This first moment with an adult Sampath immediately echoes the previous chapter. Once again, extreme heat is preventing normal modern life from going smoothly, almost as if nothing has changed since the miracle of Sampath’s birth. Sampath’s inability to sleep due to his family’s snoring also highlights the irony and absurdity of his situation. After being born at such a perfect moment, it would be easy to assume that Sampath would live a charmed, almost perfect life. But this moment confirms that he struggles with the mundane problems of modern life just like anyone else in Shahkot.
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Sampath walks back and forth on the roof of the house, still restless as the heat fails to diminish outdoors. He notes that the streetlights aren’t working, which is normal for Shahkot except when there’s a local election and an ensuing push to bring modern technology to the town. He tries to calm himself as he paces, watching the occasional plane pass overhead and wondering where it’s headed. He holds cool, wet leaves to his face and samples various pickled foods stored in jars to mature on the roof. In the middle of his eating, without realizing it at first, he begins to idly sing a quiet song about seeing a princess from a faraway kingdom. The gentle sound of his own singing voice gives him some comfort.
Sampath’s idle strolling and sitting on the roof is his first character-establishing moment. Like his mother, he seems preoccupied with daydreams and fantasies, though the real world affects him a bit more strongly than it does Kulfi. The sights and sounds of Shahkot full him with a longing melancholy, implying that he’s more attuned to nature and carefree adventure than to modern life. His behavior is also childlike despite his age, showing a simple innocence that contrasts with the modern complications around him.
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As the local night watchman rides his bicycle down the street, Sampath blearily watches dawn come to Shahkot. Still tired from his lack of sleep, he sees morning light illuminate the maze of streets and the mess of rooftops, TV aerials, balconies, power lines, and courtyards that make up the neighborhood. People begin to walk down the streets to work, and Sampath sees his father below, emerging from the house with his yoga mat. Sampath also hears the deep, powerful singing voices of the priests at the nearby temple, a stark contrast to his own quiet singing voice. As he descends back into the house, he wonders how he can clear his cloudy mind, and whether he can ever fill the emptiness in his belly. He briefly encounters Ammaji, who can tell he hasn’t slept and gently asks him how he’ll make it through the day.
The imagery of the town of Shahkot resembles a prison or a labyrinth, keeping Sampath feeling trapped and confined as he longs for something he can’t explain. His surroundings are messy, complicated, and artificial—the opposite of the simple beauty of nature. The sound of singing priests in the distance foreshadows that Sampath might soon get entangled in spiritual matters as he searches for meaning in his life. Their loud voices contrast with his quiet songs, emphasizing how small he feels in comparison to the town he feels trapped in.
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