Norwegian Wood


Haruki Murakami

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Storm Trooper Character Analysis

Toru’s roommate in the private dorm he lives in upon first arriving in Tokyo. “Clean-crazy,” stuttering, and obsessed with timeliness, exercise, and regimentation of his routine, Storm Trooper serves as a kind of comic relief throughout the novel as Toru tells comical stories about him to entertain and amuse his other friends.
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Storm Trooper Character Timeline in Norwegian Wood

The timeline below shows where the character Storm Trooper appears in Norwegian Wood. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2
Education Theme Icon
...Toru’s room, however, is “sanitary as a morgue” due to his cleanliness-obsessed roommate, nicknamed “ Storm Trooper ” for his regimented preoccupation with keeping things clean, neat, and orderly. Storm Trooper is... (full context)
Memory, Nostalgia, and Regret Theme Icon
Truth, Lies, and Communication Theme Icon spend the afternoon together walking through the city. Toru regales Naoko with tales of Storm Trooper and his ridiculous early-morning exercise routines but is unsure of what to say to her... (full context)
Chapter 3
Memory, Nostalgia, and Regret Theme Icon
Education Theme Icon they spend the days together cooking and hanging out at Naoko’s apartment. In January, Storm Trooper comes down with a terrible fever, but recovers almost spontaneously after Toru spends days nursing... (full context)
Memory, Nostalgia, and Regret Theme Icon
Sex and Love Theme Icon
Death, Suicide, Grief, and Existentialism  Theme Icon
Truth, Lies, and Communication Theme Icon
Education Theme Icon
...than the people he meets at work he sees and talks to hardly anyone but Storm Trooper . In June, he writes Naoko another letter, but sending it only makes him feel... (full context)
Memory, Nostalgia, and Regret Theme Icon
Sex and Love Theme Icon
Death, Suicide, Grief, and Existentialism  Theme Icon
At the end of July, Storm Trooper , who is packing to go on a summer holiday, gives Toru a firefly trapped... (full context)
Chapter 4
Death, Suicide, Grief, and Existentialism  Theme Icon
Education Theme Icon
...“meaningless,” and that all he can do is suffer through his remaining years of boredom. Storm Trooper does not return to the dormitory, and Toru is grateful for the chance to live... (full context)
Chapter 10
Memory, Nostalgia, and Regret Theme Icon
Truth, Lies, and Communication Theme Icon
...hear from Naoko or Nagasawa, either, and he even starts to miss his old roommate, Storm Trooper . As May arrives, Toru feels a lonely “trembling” in his heart. Toru does makes... (full context)