Survival in Auschwitz


Primo Levi

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Alfred L. Character Analysis

Alfred L. is an older Jewish man, who, though thin and weak-looking, manages to survive and set himself apart from his comrades at Auschwitz by keeping himself as groomed and proper-looking as it is possible to be in a labor camp. By putting on the appearance of importance, power, and dignity, Alfred L. is eventually promoted to a position of authority amongst the Jewish prisoners, increasing his chance of survival. Levi describes Alfred L.’s method of survival to demonstrate the importance of appearances, even in such a place as the camp.
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Alfred L. Character Timeline in Survival in Auschwitz

The timeline below shows where the character Alfred L. appears in Survival in Auschwitz. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 9. The Drowned and the Saved
Dehumanization and Resistance Theme Icon
Adaptability, Chance, and Survival Theme Icon
Moral Relativity Theme Icon
Oppression, Power, and Cruelty Theme Icon
Alfred L ., formerly an engineer and the head of a renowned chemical manufacturer, is in his... (full context)
Chapter 16. The Last One
Adaptability, Chance, and Survival Theme Icon
...such an item raises their social standing amongst the Häftlinge as keen organizers, and Elias, Alfred L ., and even Henri constantly interact with them. On top of the soup, Alberto and... (full context)