Tell Me Three Things


Julie Buxbaum

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Tell Me Three Things: Chapter 25 Summary & Analysis

Jessie and SN are messaging when Jessie enters her room to find Rachel. It reminds Jessie that this is Rachel’s guest room, not Jessie’s room. Fortunately, the room is neat: dirty laundry and tampons are hidden, and Jessie’s laptop and her embarrassing internet search history are closed. Jessie is curt with Rachel, and Rachel finally holds out a piece of paper. It’s a plane ticket to Chicago for next weekend. Rachel picks up the photo of Mom and Jessie, which bothers Jessie. Rachel says that Scarlett’s parents called Dad and it’s understandable that Jessie is homesick—this has been a big change for everyone. Jessie is confused and can’t decide whether to be ecstatic or enraged, since she’s holding a ticket to everything familiar. Rachel says that Jessie just has to promise to come back.
As awkward as this encounter is, Rachel’s overture offers hope that she and Jessie will be able to form some sort of healthy relationship going forward—but it’s going to take a willingness to try and speak up on both of their parts. The revelation that Scarlett’s parents were the one to instigate all of this makes it clear that Jessie has more adults looking out for her than she might realize. In other words, she has many places to turn for help and support if she only recognizes what they are and chooses to use them.
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Scarlett and Jessie text. Scarlett says that her parents were concerned when Scarlett mentioned that Jessie might be interested in their basement. She also asks if it’s okay if they hang with Adam on Saturday and suggests she throw a welcome home party. Jessie agrees but is less certain. Jessie texts SN next and tells him the news. He’s happy for her but makes her promise that she’s coming back. Then, Jessie texts Ethan and asks to reschedule their Friday Waste Land study date. He quotes lines from The Waste Land at her and agrees to meet up on Monday after she gets back. He says he already has the entirety of the poem memorized. Jessie thinks that a drug addict wouldn’t have time to memorize poetry, even if he is “damaged.”
Even though Scarlett’s best friend is visiting, that doesn’t mean that Scarlett’s life stops cold. She still has a boyfriend and presumably, other people she spends time with in Chicago—Jessie is no longer the center of Scarlett’s world. Jessie’s lack of enthusiasm for hanging with Adam and having a party suggests that on some level, she expect Scarlett to be available to her all the time, just like Scarlett used to be.
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