Tell Me Three Things


Julie Buxbaum

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Tell Me Three Things: Chapter 26 Summary & Analysis

Jessie is so nervous for her date with Caleb that she can’t eat. Agnes announces that Caleb can’t be SN; he’s not that kind of guy. Jessie lays out all of her evidence, which Dri finds compelling. Dri, however, is intently watching Liam, who’s sitting far away from Gem. She wonders if Jessie broke up the couple. Agnes matter-of-factly says that she knew Caleb’s sister had issues, but she hasn’t heard anything about her dying. Dri wonders if Caleb lied about his sister dying in order to connect with Jessie, but Jessie thinks that no one can make up counting the days since their loved one died.
To a degree, the debate over SN’s identity is a way for Agnes, Dri, and Jessie to solidify their friendships with each other. While SN’s identity certainly has major implications for Jessie, discussing this in a purely theoretical way is also a major driver in the girls’ friendship. Jessie suggests that it’s impossible to fabricate the coping mechanisms that arrive from experiencing the death of a family member.
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Gem doesn’t acknowledge Jessie in English class. She just sits, looking beautiful and perfect. Jessie wonders if Ethan is staring at her and if he thinks about Gem at night. Jessie has tried thinking about Caleb instead of Ethan at night, but it doesn’t work. In her dreams about Ethan, she’s not afraid of sex or intimacy and doesn’t compare herself to Gem—but she wakes up, sad and acne-ridden, in the morning. Mrs. Pollack calls on Jessie to answer a question, but Jessie hasn’t been paying attention. Ethan comes to Jessie’s rescue and Mrs. Pollack gives Jessie a look of empathy. After class, Jessie thanks him and remembers Theo’s warning. Ethan’s pupils are a normal size. He wishes Jessie a safe trip and tells her to not forget about “us.” Jessie isn’t sure who he’s referring to.
Jessie is still trying to make Caleb seem attractive, even though he doesn’t truly spark her interest—possibly even if he is SN. This suggests that even if Jessie and SN do indeed have a close, intimate relationship over their instant messenger program, that isn’t a guarantee that their relationship can translate into the real world if there’s no chemistry there. However, it’s still important that Jessie not devalue what they do have online. She’s still getting a lot out of the relationship, and it seems that SN is as well.
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Jessie waits for Caleb by the stairs. He’s 15 minutes late, so Jessie pretends to text and prays he won’t stand her up. Gem cruises past and says she wishes Jessie would go back home. Quietly but out loud, Jessie agrees with Gem just as Caleb walks up. He greets her warmly but then says they shouldn’t have coffee. Jessie vows to not let her disappointment show. She hates that her body is so nondescript and imperfect next to his Ken-doll perfection. He says it’s because of Liam, which makes Jessie do a double take. He doesn’t want Liam to get the wrong idea. Jessie is confused, but Caleb explains that Liam broke up with Gem because of Jessie. None of this makes sense; Liam can’t possibly like Jessie more than Gem. At least Liam isn’t SN, since he’s an only child.
When Jessie goes straight to critiquing her “imperfect” body after Caleb’s rejection, it’s an indicator that Gem’s bullying has gotten to Jessie. Now, Jessie believes, at least on some level, that she’s never going to fit in at school physically or be able to find a boyfriend because her body isn’t the right size. It may also make things worse for Jessie now that Liam broke up with Gem. Clearly, Jessie truly is a threat to Gem’s power—and now that Jessie has deprived Gem of her status symbol boyfriend, there’s no telling what else Gem might do.
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Caleb says that he can’t get involved and walks away. SN messages and asks if Jessie is excited for her trip, but Jessie brushes off his question about her day. She wants to tell him that he hurt her feelings and she doesn’t like Liam, and she wants to confirm that he’s Caleb. Jessie starts to pity herself when Dri texts and excitedly writes that Liam broke up with Gem. Jessie thinks that when school started, the idea of a senior like Liam asking her out would’ve thrilled her. Now, she knows this will screw up everything with Dri, work, Ethan, and Caleb/SN. Dri asks how coffee was and commiserates with Jessie that it didn’t happen.
As Jessie’s friendship with Dri grows stronger, Jessie begins to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around her romantic relationships. Indeed, she may have to put romantic relationships aside in order to maintain her friendships with people like Dri. Though it doesn’t occur to Jessie, it’s worth considering that this idea applies to her relationship with Scarlett as well—if Jessie continues to focus on her own struggles, she’ll alienate Scarlett.
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