Tell Me Three Things


Julie Buxbaum

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Tell Me Three Things: Chapter 29 Summary & Analysis

Scarlett drives as Jessie rambles about how SN could be anyone. They drive past Jessie’s old house, which looks the same save for the tricycle out front. Scarlett pulls into the 7-11 and announces that SN is Liam. They sit in the car and Jessie thinks about Mom. She tells Scarlett that she doesn’t like Liam like that. Liam doesn’t make her feel seen like SN does. She asks Scarlett if she wants to talk about sex. Scarlett says she wants to have sex, but she’s worried and is afraid to talk to her mom about birth control. Jessie suggests that Scarlett play things by ear and is surprised by how insecure Scarlett is. She points out that the first time is always a bit scary, but there’s no right answer. Scarlett smiles. In unison, Jessie and Scarlett get out and buy Slurpees, just like they used to.
Before their fight, it seems possible that Jessie simply wouldn’t have taken Scarlett’s insecurities seriously—the Scarlett she knows is fearless and “undeniable,” after all. Recognizing that this is a big, scary thing for Scarlett shows that Jessie herself has come of age and matured through this experience. She now understands that everyone feels insecure sometimes—and in order to get through their insecurities, they need someone to listen without judgment and assure them that whatever happens, everything is going to be okay.
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Dri texts and asks if Liam asked Jessie out. Jessie wonders if it’s technically a lie to say no if Liam is SN. Reading over Jessie’s shoulder, Scarlett tells Jessie to not tell Dri that she’s the reason Liam broke up with Gem. Dri continues to text that Liam likes Jessie and might be SN. Scarlett confidently says that if Liam is SN, she has to give him a chance—and Dri will understand if she’s a real friend. Dri texts back that Liam doesn’t have a sister, but she still thinks he’s SN.
Scarlett shows here that she’s not wholly uninterested in Wood Valley Drama—it’s compelling and her best friend is in the middle of it, so it’s entertaining if nothing else. Even if she views Jessie’s involvement in all of this as entertainment first and foremost, the fact remains that her interest will keep her friendship with Jessie alive going forward.
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Theo texts a bit later, impressed that Liam broke up with Gem to be with Jessie. He says that Dad is making him pick Jessie up at the airport. A bit later, Jessie messages SN three things. She admits she doesn’t know who he is, says she’s never lied, and she’s not sure where home is. SN suggests that home might not be a place.
Especially after her fight with Scarlett, Jessie has to conclude that she doesn’t know everything and can’t go through life believing she knows what others are thinking. Recognizing this is a mark of her growing maturity.
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