The Dispossessed


Ursula K. Le Guin

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Kimoe Character Analysis

An Urrasti doctor who accompanies Shevek on his initial journey from Anarres to Urras. Kimoe provides Shevek with the necessary vaccines and medicine to make his transition to Urras easier. Kimoe is the first Urrasti whom Shevek meets, just like Shevek is the first Anarresti Kimoe has known. As such, the two carry on bewildered conversations throughout the journey as they excitedly—and with trepidation—learn about one another’s cultures.
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Kimoe Character Timeline in The Dispossessed

The timeline below shows where the character Kimoe appears in The Dispossessed. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
The Failure of Utopian Ideals Theme Icon
Individualism and Isolation vs. Collectivism and Solidarity Theme Icon
...would have made the Urrasti more tolerant, but the doctor—whose name has revealed to be Kimoe—explains that there are very few interstellar visitors. (full context)
The Failure of Utopian Ideals Theme Icon
Humility and Moderation vs. Ego and Excess Theme Icon
Individualism and Isolation vs. Collectivism and Solidarity Theme Icon
Shevek tells Kimoe that the Second Officer, too, has been regarding him with a kind of fear. Kimoe... (full context)
Freedom Theme Icon
The Failure of Utopian Ideals Theme Icon
Individualism and Isolation vs. Collectivism and Solidarity Theme Icon
Shevek asks why there are no women on board the ship, and Kimoe tells him that working aboard a space freighter is not women’s work. Kimoe asks Shevek... (full context)
The Failure of Utopian Ideals Theme Icon
Individualism and Isolation vs. Collectivism and Solidarity Theme Icon
Kimoe laments the loss of “feminine delicacy” and “masculine self-respect” when it comes to not dividing... (full context)
The Failure of Utopian Ideals Theme Icon
Individualism and Isolation vs. Collectivism and Solidarity Theme Icon
As Shevek prepares to strap in for descent, Kimoe comes to his cabin to check on the progress of Shevek’s many immunizations. Kimoe gives... (full context)